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John Yoder, West Virginia
In 1990 there were 33 races for the United States Senate. For the first time in history a Yoder was
the nominee in one of these races. John Christian Yoder, the Republican nominee in West
Virginia, received more than 126,000 votes against heavily favored incumbent Senator John D.
Rockefeller IV. This was almost a third of all votes cast, and in the face of a tremendous spending
advantage, was viewed by many as a good showing.
Senator Rockefeller is the scion of one of the wealthiest amities in America. He has been
mentioned as a potential Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. John Yoder, on the other
hand, was born and raised on a farm in Kansas, and is the descendant of a long line of Amish and
Mennonite religious leaders and educators.
John's expenditures of just under $20,000 equalled less than 16õ per vote. Rockefeller raised 135
times as much (which included more than $1.3 million in special interest moneys from Political
Action Committees) and each vote he received cost him almost $10.
John was born in Newton, Kansas in 1951. His father, Gideon B. Yoder, attended Goshen
Bibical Seminary and taught at Hesston College. John Christian is the descendant of "Schweitzer
Christian" Yoder (1728-1816), his son John (1772-1860) and his son Bishop Abner Yoder
(1814-1883) who we featured or his Fraktur penmanship in YNL#13.
A cum laude graduate of Chapman College in California, John went on to receive a law degree
from the University of Kansas in 1975, and completed the NBA program at the University of
Chicago the following year.
In 1975, after setting up a law practice, John ran for a circuit judgeship beating an incumbent by a
2 to 1 margin. When he took office in January 1977, he was the youngest person in the United
States (age 26) to hold a state circuit judge seat.
John was selected in 1980 to serve as a Judicial Fellow at the Supreme Court, and the following
year was appointed special assistant to Chief Justice Warren Burger.
Following this assignment, he became the first Director of the Asset Forfeiture Office of the
Department of Justice. In this role, he coordinated Federal efforts to seize property of those
involved in drug trafficking, and was recognized for his outstanding performance performance.
John's young bride, T. Irene Sanders, didn't like living in Washington, so they moved to Harpers
Ferry, West Virginia where he opened a practice in Constitutional Law. He gradually became
frustrated with the poverty and political corruption of his adopted state, and decided to become
involved personally.
In 1988, John sought political office and came within one percent of capturing a strongly
Democratic seat in the West Virginia State Senate. That strong race, and a decision by a former
astronaut to bypass the race, led to his 1990 Senate candidacy.
During the course of the election, John drove his little Honda Prelude thousands of miles each
week...eating at McDonalds and staying at budget motels. He had no money for billboards,
posters, or TV commercials, but expended a lot of shoe leather and managed to run his tires till
they went bald.
Election night found him, his wife and their two Old English Sheep dogs, Flossie and Rudy,
listening to the returns in a $35 room at a Motel 6 in Charleston.
When told of his vote percentage he replied, "That's not bad. If I had gotten anything under 20%
it would have been discouraging. Over 40% and I would have been elated." He recognized that his
problem from the first had been name recognition. The last Republican Senate candidate in the
state was a Congressman who spent over a million dollars and received about the same percent as
John. Leave it to a Yoder to get his votes at a bargain rate!
John sees this race not as an end, but a beginning. He expects to continue to be involved in the
politics of his adopted state. Yoders have found a blessing here in America ever since the days
when many of our lines first came for the freedoms of the New World. Members of our family
like John continue to "give something back" through private and public service.
The following was taken from the Mennonite Yearbook and Almanac of 1915. We are
thankful to L. William Yoder of Chelmsford MA for sending it.
An Act of Assembly
By an Act of Assembly passed April 1st, 1778, entitled: "An Act for the Further Security for the
Government," it is provided that all male white habitants of the State, above the age of eighteen
years, who have not hitherto taken the oath or affirmation contained in the Act of June 13th, 1777,
are required to take and subscribe the said oath before June 1st, 1778: that every person neglecting
to take the same shall during the time of such neglect be incapable of holding any office or place
of trust in the State, serving on juries, suing for any debts, electing or being elected, buying, selling
or transferring any lands and shall be disarmed; that such persons shall be disabled from acting as
Guardian, Executor, or Administrator or capable of any legacy or Deed of Gift or to make any
Will and shall be liable to pay double the taxes which any person who has taken such oath or
affirmation shall be assessed at.
The Act further provides that such person shall be summoned to appear before Justices of the
Peace and upon refusal to appear or take such oath or affirmation he shall be committed to prison
for three months without bail unless such offender shall pay a sum of money not exceeding Ten
Pounds with legal Continued from costs. If such offender shall refuse or neglect to pay such sum
of money with costs, the same may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattles of the
offender, unless he shall enter bail and appear at the next term of Court; and at which Court the
said oath or affirmation shall be tendered and upon refusal to take the same it shall be so recorded
and the said offender shall within thirty days after such refusal depart this State under direction of
the Court and he shall incur the forfeiture of his goods and chattels to the State and all his lands
and tenements to the person or persons who would by law be entitled to inherit the same in case
such offender were dead intestate.
The Act of Assembly passed June 13th, 1777 gives the following as the oath or affirmation above
referred to:--"I do swear (or affirm) that I renounce and refuse all allegiance to George the Third,
King of Great Britain, his heirs and successors,and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance
unto the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a free and independent State, and that I will not at any
time o or cause to be done any matter or thing that will be prejudiced or injurious to the freedom
and independence thereof, as declared by Congress; and also that I will discover and make known
to some one justice of the peace of the said State of all treason or traitorous conspiracies which I
know or hereafter shall know to be formed against this or any of the United States of America .
The Mennonites in Saucon (then Northhampton, now Lehigh County) could not conscientiously
subscribe to this and what the consequences were is clearly seen from the following petitions: To
the HONORABLE THE Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: The
petition of George Bachman, Jacob Yeoder, Caspar Yoeder, Abraham Yoeder, Henry Sell, Peter
Sell, Philip Geisinger, Henry Geisinger, John Geisinger, Christian Young and John Newcomer of
Upper Saucon, in the County of Northhampton and State of Pennsylvania, HUMBLY
SHEWETH That your petitioners having received Sentence of Banishment at the last Court of
Quarter Sessions held at Easton, for no other cause but that we could not with freedom of
conscience comply with the Law of this State imposing a Test on the inhabitants and being
deeply afflicted with the complicated distresses, our unhappy families are thereby involved in; beg
leave, in all humility to lay before you, our deplorable case, not destitute of some hope of obtaining
your merciful Interposition, as we believe none can justify charge of any of us with having ever
done any act that can be construed inimical to the State or Government we under, but have always
been peac,eable subjects, ready and willing to contribute our full proportion towards the support of
it, except going into the military service, it being contrary to our religious principles to bear arms in
any case whatsoever, and if we are found guilty of anything contrary to these our peaceful
principles, may we suffer the severesf penalties; and your petitioners believing the Supreme
Council to be invested with a dispensing power to mitigate the severity of our sentence as we
humbly conceive the process against us has not been according to the spirit of the law or the
intention of the Legislature with regard to the peaceable industrious part of the people, which error
is imputed to the magistrates not clearly understanding the full meaning of the first and third clause
of the Act for the further security of government, past the first of April last, and your petitioners
not being able yet to get over their religious scruples about taking the said test, it appearing to us
like joining our hands to military service, and being very desirous to continue to be not only
peaceable but useful subjects to this State, do humbly request the Honorable Supreme Council to
take our distressed case into consideration, and grant such reliefe therein as sto you in your
wisdom shall seem meet.
And you petitioners shall as in duty bound pray,&c. 4 July 1778. George Bachman,Jacob Yoder,
Caspar Yoder, Abraham Yoder, Heinrich Sell, Peter Sell, Heinrich Geisinger, Johannes Geisinger,
Abraham Geisinger, Philip Geisinger, Christian Jung, Johannes Neukommer.
We the Subscribers, Freemen of the County of Northhampton, &c., being duly qualified
according to law, beg leave to certify to the Honorable Supreme Council of this Commonwealth
that we are neighbors to, and well acquainted with, the petitioners above named and have ever
known them to be men of unblemished reputation for uprightness and integrity in their conduct,
conversation and dealings amongst men and are convinced that their present blindness to their own
essential interest proceed from an unhappy bias in their education, and not from a disaffection to
the present Government. Witness our hands the 5th July, 1778.
Felix Lynn,Nicholas Kooken, Johanner Lukenbach, GsXorg Rauschenberger, Adam Lukenbach,
Jorg Schaffer, Felix Rosenberger, Michael Zigler, Mattes Gangwer, Johannes Bar, Peter Fuchs,
Mattes Mueller.
To the Honorable the Representatives of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in
General Assembly met:
The petition of Eve Yoder, wife of Jacob Yoder, of Upper Saucon tcwnship in the County of
Northhampton, in this State, Yeoman, and Esther Bachman, wife of George Bachman, of Upper
Saucon township, aforesaid, Yeoman, as well as on behalf of themselves and their said husbands
as alsoon behalf of John Keisiger, Abraham Keisinger, Henry Sell, Jasper Yoder, Abraham Yoder,
Jacob Yoder, Henry Keisinger, Christian Young, John Newccmer, and George Bachman, all of
them freeholders and men of reputation of the said county who have always behaved peaceably
and quietly and never intermeddled in State affairs, but paid their taxes and fines, furnished horses
and teams for the continental service, whenever demanded, and some of them have gone with their
teams as drivers to carry provisions to the army of the United States, for which service they have
hitherto received no pay; that the freeholders were summoned to appear at the Court of Quarter
Sessions held at Easton in June last past, where they appeared aocordingly and the test being
tendered them, by the said Court, which said test they conscientiously scrupled to take (being of
the religious society called Menonists). Whereupon the said Court sentenced them to be banished
out of the State within thirty days after the said Court and that all of their personal estate, even
their beds, bedding, linen, Bibles and books, were taken from them and sold by the Sheriff to the
amount of about forty thousand pounds. That from some of them all their provisions were taken
and even not a morsel of bread left them for their children. That as all their iron stoves were taken
from them,though fastened to the freehold, they are deprived of every means of keeping their
children warm in the approaching winter, especially at nights, being obliged to lye on the floor
without any beds; that some of the men's wives are pregnant and near their time of deliverance,
which makes their case more dêistressing, and that by reason of the said proceedings ten of the
most respectful and considerable Familys in the said County of Northampton are becoming
destitute and very much reduced.
May it therefore please this Honorable House to take the Premises into Consideration and to
mitigate the Severiy o the Sentence of said Court, and that some Regard be had to the command
of God, laid down in the Scriptures of Truth, to-wit: "What God hath joyned together let not men
put asunder," and that our husbands may be permitted to continue to dwell with us, and that our
children may not be taken from us. And your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray.
September the 9th, 1778
Her Mark Eve X Yoder
Her Mark- Esther X Bachman
Sept. 10, 1788 Read and ordered to be recommended to the Council.
The Mennonite Yearbook and Almanac reads, "We failed to find any records to show what
disposition was made of these petitions."
Oley Township, Berks County, PA--ontributed by Richard H. Yoder
(Refer to YNL #16, map on page 4, location key "M")
This beautifully constructed stone dwelling is on the homestead property of Oley Valley immigrant
Yost Yoder. It's on Toll House Road, Oley Township, Berks County. The date "1788" appears on
a stone directly underneath the chimney facing us in this photograph. As Yost died about 1741, the
buildings were obviously constructed by his descendants.
This twelve foot fireplace is in the pantry of the Yost homestead dwelling. A kettle crane can be
seen in the far corner.
This is a view of the house from the left-hand side as seen from the first photo. The small separate
building without windows is the spring house.
(Refer to YNL 16, map on p. 4, location key "N")
The two windows on the left end of the houseare part of the original section. The house was built
in 1777. This was presumably by Samuel Yoder ( son of John, son of the immigrant Hams) as his
eldest son George (known to have resided on the Property) was only 15 at that time. George
(1752-1833 ) in turn sold it to his eldest son William. (Readers should refer to YNL#9, page 7,
which shows a survey map to this property contributed by Glenn F.Yoder ) .
The present owners, Lloyd and Ruth Ann Zook, have removed stucco from the outside wall
and taken down a full length porch. The door for the original section was where the second
window is, as can be seen in the photograph. The windows on the second floor of the original
portion still have the old glass with bubbles in it, etc. The two tone roof is due to storm damage.
Also note the bake oven in the right rear area.
The Zooks have done an excellent job of restoring the home both inside and out. The farm still
consists of 99+ original acres. It is understood that the house has or had 17 rooms. It was
constructed in an identical layout to the residence on the homestead of immigrant Hans Yoder
except for one window.
Chris Yoder, Battle Creek MI-Historical Editor Ben F. Yoder, Goshen IN-Managing
Editor Rachel Kreider, Goshen IN-Senior Contributing Editor Other Contributors:
Richard H. Yoder, Bechtelsville PA; Hubert A. Yoder, Charlotte NC; Dorothy Coffman,
Malvern PA; H. Harold Hartzler, Goshen IN; Fred C. Yoder, Goshen IN.
Letters to the Editors:
When the YNL had the story of Johnny Appleseed at the Hans Yoder homestead, I had
heard of the story before but had laughed saying I believe in the tooth fairy too. In researching it,
I've learned he belonged to the Swedenborg Church and his name was Jonathan Chapman and was
born in Massachusetts. The headquarters of the church is in Philadelphia and after several phone
conversations and letters, I' ve come up with the following:
They suggested reading the book Johnny Appleseed, the Man and the Myth by Price.
He evidently spent a fair amount of time in Philadelphia, mostly with church members, some of
whom are mentioned in the book.
I' ve also contacted their research center, the Swedenborg Foundation in New York
They said not too much is known about him until he arrived in OH It is known that he
would visit farms with cider presses to get the apple seeds It was the practice in
those days that when the farmers came to town with their produce, linseed oil, etc.
any mail or people would go along back with them to get where they eventually wanted
to go. Since there was a cider press there, it is very possible he would have visited
the Hans farm.
The information the church sent certainly indicates he was rather strange, which
certainly ties in with the YNL letter I must admit I' ve changed my opinion,
especially knowing that Daniel Yoder (at that time owner of the Hans homestead) did
make many trips to Philadelphia I have some copies of the receipts for linseed oil
which was produced at the homestead.
I would like to see more encouragement and emphasis in the YNL for subscribers to
send in what info they have even if it' s only a few names and dates I can relate to my experience
when I wrote you listing Bertolette Y Yoder and Amanda buried in Niantic, KNOWING that you
never heard of either. I was AMAZED when you knew both of them. That drove it home. No
one feels that the info they have may be the key you' re looking for unless it' s pointed out.
-Richard H Yoder. Sr. Bechtelsville. PA
(as of Fall, 1990) *
AL-3 AS-1 AZ-13 CA-43 C0-22 CT-4 DE-7
DC-3 FL-31 GA-5 HA-2 ID-4 IL-22 IN-110
IA-31 KS-28 KY-4 LA-3 ME-1 MD-16 MA-5
MI-22 MN-9 MS-2 MO23 MT-3 NE-5 NV-2
NH-1 NJ-2 NM-7 NY-13 NC-23 ND-2 OH-87
OK-3 OR-22 PA-112 SC-2 TN-8 TX-17 UT-6
VT-3 VA-27 WA-10 WV-2 WI-5
Total-784 (previous overseas subscriptions have indcluded AFRICA and HONG KONG)
--Yoder surname=55%, Other surnames=42%; libraries and genealogical institutions=3%
WHOOPS! - In the last issue, page 5, the first photo caption, we described the
building at the far right as the latest one... it's the one on the left.
************************************* **************************
Excerpts from a letter from Dorothy R. Yoder of East Palatine OH.
"Last month, my daughter, Anne Yoder McDonald of Rockford TN and I enjoyed a tour of
Alaska. One intereting experience we had was almost unbelieveable. On August 5, while we were
on the Alaska Rairoad train, the McKinley Explorer, from Anchorage to Denali National
Park, the car attendant came to our seats to check our dinner reservations as there
are three seatings. We were with a Westours group of 42. She noted that she already
had our reservations as she" had Yoders marked off. We had not been approached
before, and we were puzzled until the people in the seats immediately in front of
us said they had given their preference.
Yes, they were Yoders also! Mr. and Mrs.Hobert Yoder of Iowa City, Iowa, were also enroute to
Denali. They were among the very few people in the car that were not of our Westour group. Mr.
Yoder told us that he had not heard of the YODER NEWSLETTER and I said that I thought he
would enjoy it. He had heard that the Yoders came from Germany or Switzerland. We explained
that Anne's forebears came from Switzerland and probably from Steffisburg. We enjoyed
talking with the Yoders, and I told him that I'd ask you to send him the NEWSLETTER.
Did I ever write you that my husband's uncle Abe Yoder was Secretary of State of
Montana from 1904 until his death in 1911 ? He was the only Republican state office
holder at the time. He went to Alaska in 1900 with some of his Montana friends with
the intention of mining for gold there. As their ship with the mining equipment on
deck neared the shore, there was an awful storm. The captain of the ship was afraid
the ship would sink, and the mining equipment was jettisoned. (I have taken these
dates from his obituary that appeared in the STANDARD of Butte, Montana, dateline
August 6, 1911.) Anne and I went to Bonanza Creek in the Yukon Terrotory and also saw
the Trail of Tears from the White Pass and Yukon Railroad train. As you know, the
gold in Rabbit, later named Bonanza Creek was discovered in August 1896. The Gold
Rush began in 1898. After seeing the rugged terrain, Anne and I decided it was
probably providential that Uncle Abe and his friends did not go to Alaska and the
Yukon. So many of those who went died or had to turn back. There are still outposts
in Alaska and the Yukon that cannot be too different from those of 1898."
Daryl Yoder, a resident of Graborone, Botsuwana, writes that he is a descendant of "Schweitzer
Christian through great-great Grandson John (l840-1922) who m Anna Bontrager. Daryls
grandfather Tobias J Yoder was born in Thomas,OK and his father John Henry was b. In Garnett,
At a Wednesday Lenten luncheon at the English Lutheran Church (ECLA) in Goshen, we
had the pleasure to sit at the same table with Rev. and Mrs. Schreck, former pastor
of this church.
Talking about the Yoders, in and about Goshen, he informed me that the church
belonged to the South Bend (IN) Conference of Lutheran churches that publishes its
conference bulletin.
The title is shown below as the Yoder Dame Gazette. This is a play on our name and
Notre Dame University located in South Bend, twenty-five miles west of Goshen.
As we left for our car, Rev. Schreck kindly obtained a copy of the bulletin from the
present pastor, Rev. Peper, and caught us before we left to give me a copy. (see
READER CHALLENGES ??Can you identify any of these folk??
St. Joseph (Hill) Lutheran Church, Berks Co. PA, baptismal records:
-Parents-Mathias Joder son-Daniel bapt. 7/16/1766
-Mathias, son of Daniel D. & wife, Barbara, b. 7/27/1787
Berks Co. PA Marriage Records 1730-1830:
-Susannah Yoder of Berks Co. to John Dompman(sp), 4/26/1777 of Chester Co. PA.
-Susanna m. 11/27/1781 Jochim Moses,Union Twp.
-Abraham Yoder m. Hanna Leis,Swartzenwald Ch. 11/ 18/1792
-Esther Yoder m. Sebastian Reifschneider 6/ 16/1821
Other PA records:
-Elizabeth Yoder m. Matthias Hollenbach 10/2/1750 at St. Michaelis Ch., Philadelphia
-Jost Yoder m. 1756 Eva Catrina Hubeles
-Veronica Frances Yoder m. c1717 Michael Denlinger
Other records:
-Washington Co., TN- J. C. Yoder m. 7/12/1869 to Saraphine Crosswhite
-Shelby Co., OH-Catherine Yoter who m. George Honselman, had son Mar. 1856
-Monroe Co., IN-George Yoder m. 10,5/1848 to Elizabeth Goss
-Joseph Yoder (carpenter b. PA c1826) m. Charlotte Agler 2/8/1849 Mercer CD., OH. res 1850
Vermillion Co., OH
Can anyone identify the folk in these records?
----Emigrants from France: by Clifford Neal Smith, 1986:
Joder, Chretien 20 MY MY 1841 p. 16
Joder, Jacques 62 NY NY 1841 p. 14
with wife Barbara 3 daughters & sister with
brother-in-law and 2 nephews
Joder, Joseph 20 NY NY 1841 p.14
Illinois State Gen Qtrly., vol. 16: 1 Spring 1984
Peter Joeder 24 IL 1863 p. 16
- grandson of CONRAD YODER of North Carolina Son of JacobYoder who married Catherine
Dellinger and moved to Indiana. The younger Jacob (1817-1885) married Mary Jackson and is
buried in the Lanam Ridge Cemetery, Monroe Co , IN. Thanks to Hubert A Yoder of Charlotte,
NC for this photo Hubert writes " I suppose of all of Jacob Sr's children, this marker is the only
one we have. Lanam Ridge was really on the ridge " Thanks Hubert!
(1812-1854) and Brigitta DeLong (1822-1900). This
records their marriage on the 7th of Feb. 1240.
William was the great-great-great grandson of Oley
immigrant Hans Yoder. William's baptism is recorded in the YNL #14 article on the
Schuylkill Co. Yoders. This copy was provided by our renown contributor Dr. Don
Yoder, who also authored that article.
A new susbcriber caused a revelation that the same sounding Christian name had more than one
spelling: Duane, DuWayne,Dwane and Dwayne. All good Yoders!- Ben
Samuel Yoder (c1726-1771), son of John, the son of Oley immigrant Hans Joder, was a
soldier in the French and Indian War. He served with General Wolfe on the Heights of Abraham
in the capture of Quebec.. According to Bertolet ' s Fragments of the Past:
"He was gone ten years, and meanwhile endured a great many hardships and
privations. (Everybody had given him up for lost, and as the years rolled on no
one thought that he would ever return, save his ever faithful wife, who
remained constant to him. Her hope was finally realized, to the surprise of
all in has safe return.) He came back as one of the wretched examples
generally the fruit of war, and finally died outdoors.
"His wife was a daughter of Mr. Oyster...and a sister to Mrs.John Yoder---Two children were
born to them after his return. His son George was a soldier in the Revolution."
"George was listed as an ensign and a courtmartial man in the 4th Comp. 1 st
Battalion, Berks Co. Militia. " and was sent to Amboy. He often mentioned that while
in battle the shrill whistling of the cannon balls was always heard before the
report. He served as a militia soldier in some battles and many skirmishes in the
Note by the contributor: Samuel was my great-great-greatgreat-great grandfather. I am collecting
information about Yoder veterans of the Revolution, Civil, and Indian Wars.I would appreciate
any feedback from YNL readers on any Yoder veterans of these conflicts. If any readers are
interested in certain individuals, I may be able to help them (particularly those of the Berks County
area of Pennsylvania) I would especially like information about SAMUEL or GEORGE YODER
who are highlighted above, as both are my ancestors. Reply to Richard A. Yoder, R.D. 1,
Bechtelsville PA 19505.
Bish Christian Yoder Jr Cem Restoration Complete
In YNL #4, we announced a cemetery restoration effort to preserve the Somerset
County, PA resting place of Bishop Christian Yoder Jr (1790-1846). Christian was the
second Amish bishop of the Glades congregation in northern Somerset County, succeeding
his father, Bishop Christian Yoder the elder (1858-1838).
In YNL #6 and 8 we reported on the progress of this protect Cemetery Fund. Treasurer
Thomas Olen Yoder, of Coraspolis, PA has reported the erection of a fieldstone wall to complete
this multi-year drive A total of 68 contributions were received from states as follows IN-22, MI-5,
PA-4, CO-3, OH-1; KS-9; FL-2; IA-4; CA-3; SD-1; HA-1; DE-1 MN-1; NE-1; AZ-2; NY-1;
VA-1; WI-1; UT-1; Canada-1; Italy-1;Saudi Arabia-1. Descendants of 6 of Bishoh Yoders 12
children contributed as follows: David (bl817)- 10 contributors; Christian (bl819)- 3; Magdalena
(bl821)- 2; Elizabeth (bl827)-3, Sarah (bl829)-2; Reuben (bl831)-25.
Tom Yoder rests on the new wall
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From The Seneca Advertiser (Tifflin, OH)- 7 Jun 1850
" A Y Yotter- Agua Frio Mines, CA, killed by a bear, 22 years old, Formerly of
Belevue, OH "
(who is this fellow? Where were the Agua Frio Mines?)
The YNL will publish Yoder related inquiries or exchanges at no charge. Please limit to 30 or so
words plus a full return address. All inquiries are checked against our records to see if we can help
too. (We give free advice and record checks for all correspondents) Send to : Yoder Queries,
Chris Yoder, 203 Lakeshire Rd. Battle Creek, MI 49015
*************************************************************** *****
Wish to exchange info and learn more of ancestry for
Benjamin Yothers (1812-1882), born Axeman, Centre Co.,
PA, died Ashton, Lee Co.,IL. Parents Daniel Yothers
and Catherine Wells. Reply to Lorraine Lauper, 7133
Westland Ave., Stockton, CA 95207.(209) 478-2515
How many children born to John S. Yoder (1771-1839) son of Casper Yoder and Veronica
Sell? John m. Susanna t Meyer. Two sons came to Medina Co., OH in mid-1850s. Parents buried
Saucon Mennonite Meetinghouse near Coopersburg, PA. Please reply: Esther J. Strock, P.O. Box
399, Dalton, OH 44618
What was date of marriage for John Yoder and Martha Whitlatch (pos. W.VA or PA c1860)
Who were her parents.? Would also like any info on Nancy Durbin who married Daniel Yoder.
Reply to Eva May Yoder, 220 Tiogi Ave., Findlay,OH 45840
************************************************ ********************
Wanted Info on HOWARD W.YODER (b about 1865 who m. Anna Kenney of Philadelphia,
PA. Howard was a son of William L Yoder and Anna Wooley of Mahanoy City, PA. He resided
at one point in New Castle, VA where he was cashier of the First National Bank. Had sisters
Caddie (Clara ) who m. Charles Stine of Norristown, PA and Emily Francis. Reply to: Chris
Yoder, 203 Lakeshire Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49015
**************************************************************** ******
Who were the parents of Maria Youter (Yutter), born 10 Jan 1828 in Wayne County, OH
and married 18 Feb 1845 to Christian Clay in Freeport, Stephenson Co., IL. Maria died 30 Aug
1886 and is buried in the Gund Cemetery, Ridott, IL. Reply to: Helen Bentley, 365 Verdugo
Way, Upland CA 91786.
Harrison County, W VA -Fatal Mine Accidents 1901
W. H. Yoder at Glen Falls Mine d. June 12, 1901, age 22, miner single, killed by a fall of slate.
(Any reader identify this?)
This aged photographic impression on a glass plate seems to be the earliest photo of a Yoder
we've come across at the YNL. Daniel A. Yoder, MD, (9/30/1833-8/24/ 1920) was son of David
Yoder and Mary Levan who were married in Maxatawny Twp.,Berks Co., PA in 1823. David was
a great-grandson of Yost Yoder of the Oley line (through Jacob who married Maria Keim). From
the photograph, Daniel appears to be in his twenties. EiS would place the impression sometime in
the 1850s. Daniel married Amanda E. Glace in 1861, and resided in Catasaugua, Lehigh Co., PA.
me 1880 census shows what seems to be four daughters in his family...We ate the YNLdon't know
if Daniel had descendants who survived him...Do our readers? DO ANY, OF OUR READERS
The picture of the quilt was graciously submitted by Sarah Hays Succa, descendant of Margaret
Yoder Lavan. Sarah's letter:
"In your last newsletter you asked if we, your readers, had any articles of furniture, etc., used by
our Yoder ancestors. Does a quilt count? The photograph enclosed is of a "Wild Goose Chase"
quilt made by Margaret Yoder LeVan (1820-1900). She was a daughter of David Yoder
(1795-1881), descendant of Hans Yoder of the Oley Valley, and Hannah Bitler. She married
George K. LeVan in 1845. I don't know much about the quilt except that it was made in 1835,
when Margaret was fifteen years old. She gave the quilt to her granddaughter, my grandmother,
Margaret Mauger Hays (1889-1964) because her name was Margaret. My grandmother gave the
quilt to my sister, Margaret, for the same reason. In 1976 my sister and I put the quilt in an
exhibition of American quilts to celebrate the Bicentennial at the Barnsdall Art Gallery in Los
Angeles. The exhibition was a great success and the next year taken to the Seibu Museum of Art in
Tokyo, Japan. The enclosed photo is from the catalouge of that exhibition. Not only did Margaret
Yoder's quilt travel to Japan, but it was the quilt chosen to be the cover of the catalouge. I enclose
a color photocopy of the quilt and some black and white copies of the catalouge cover and
introduction and index. The newsletters are always interesting. Thanks for your qood work."
Sincerely, Sarah Hays Succa
Golda Yoder Plank reached her 1 00th year December 8, 1990 . She was born northwest
of West Liberty, OH. Her parents were David B. and Sarah Yoder and Golda was one of
nine children.
She graduated from high school and taught school for one year earning $45.00 a month.
Her father paid for one-year's education at Goshen (IN) College.
She married Sam C. Plank in 1916 and they had five children. She has been active in church and
Sunday school and busy with the womens' aid society making clothes for city missions and and
orphans ' home. She still enjoys life and uses her gifts to serve God and others.
The following was received from Diana Yoder of Canby, OR and said the following: " Nellie
Eyman was the last of the Yoders who care to Oregon from Missouri and from whom Yoder, OR
is named. J. S. Yoder, Nellie's father, established a lumber mill that celebrated 100 years in the
same family in 1989.
Nellie Beatrice Yoder Eyman: died Sept 13 at Elmburst Nursing Home in Canby where she had
lived for the last several years. She was lO4 years old. Mrs. Eyman, the ninth and last child of
Jonathan S. and Barbara Yoder, was born on New Year's Day l886 in Dade County, Mo . When
she was three she came west with her family on an emigrant train to join others of the Yoder
family in the community south of Canby bearing their name where her father founded Yoder Mill.
In 1912 she married Albert Eyman and went to live on their farm in the Rural Dell sector. He
preceded her in death in 1955. She continued to live on her farm until well past her l00th birthday
Mrs. Eyman is survived by her daughters: Roberta Daniels of Canby, Lucia Schuebel of Mulino,
and Anna Lou Case of Yachats one son; Steven J of Canby; l3 grandchildren, 2l
great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren; sister-in-law Hilda Jackson and
numerous nieces and nephews. Active in many community affairs throughout her life, Mrs.
Eyman was a member of Smyrna, United Church of Christ and Molalla Grange No 310.
How many Yoders are over the age of 100 years? It would be interesting to have a column in our
next issue showing this fact. If you know of any, please send the information in and we would
appreciate it. Forebears of the Yoders would be helpful to readers. Yoder Newsletter, P.O.Box
594, Goshen , IN 46526
A 1991 Camaro sent in by an out-of-state person. Note the "YODER 1" license plate. Cars and
horses named Yoder??? Next it will be cats and dogs. Don't no one show no respect? Records
show it is owned by Raymond James Yoder and was taken at Onandaga Community College.
The C. V. Yoder reunion was held August 24, 1990 in Monitor Springs, CO. Sponsors were
grandsons Ezra and Clarence Yoder, sons of William C. Yoder.
There was a good attendance, representing sixteen states and one family from South America.
The next reunion will be held at Ivan Schrock ' s in Yoder, KA in 1992.
250th Anniversary of Amish Yoder Landing is Coming
Sep.2l,l992 marks the 250th Anniversary of the landing of the ship "Francis and Elizabeth" in
Philadelphia Harbour . On this ship arrived the progenitors of a large portion of our readers.
It would be a shame to let next year pass by without doing something special to mark the quarter
millennium for these Yoders in America. Ideas include special reunions across the country
historical display and more. Who's willing to take the bull by the horn an help make arrangements?
Let the YNL know and we ' ll put interested parties together. Send in your ideas.
Oh, the lovely fickleness of an April day!
--W. H. Gibson, Pastorial Days
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