Yoder Newsletter Online

Issue Number 24 - - - April 1994
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The "Yoders" of Southwest Pennsylvania

contributions from Carl Miller Yoders and Dorothy Yoder Coffman

Of all the variations in spelling of the Yoder name, there is only one spot

in the US where the spelling "Y-O-D-E-R-S" gained any sustained use.

This is the southwest corner of Pennsylvania, specifically Greene and

Washington counties. Here one Jacob Yoders and his wife Elizabeth

were in place by 1807. His origins remain a mystery, although there are

several hints and we'll deal with some speculation further in this article.

The "S" appear and disappears over the years, and the descendants of the

sons who moved to Ohio dropped it without exception.




Grave Stone of "Elizabeth, Relict of Jacob Yoders", Amity, PA

Contributed by Bob Williams, Park Forest,IL


For years we have avoided attempting an article on this branch of the

family, always holding out hope that some final answers might reveal

themselves. But, as usual with genealogical investigations, finality is a

luxury you aren't granted. With the combined years of study by Dorothy

Yoder Coffman, and recent rework by Carl Yoders, we have reached a

point in our studies where a summary should be presented. Hopefully it

will be but a stepping stone to further knowledge.


The earliest known collector of family facts about this family was John

W. Yoders, a 2nd cousin of Carl who died in 1948. In 1989 when Carl

was visiting his friend Roy Kremmel in Warrendale. PA, Roy mentioned

that the late Dr. Robert Yoders had stored some records of the Yoders

family with him. After a brief search two boxes were located, and these

are the basis for much of the PA Yoders data contained in the article.

Carl picked up the torch, so to speak, after about a 40 year interruption

and it's thanks to the combined work of John W, Dorothy and Carl and

others that we can present the family group chart which appears in this

article. Although some of the connections have been reported as fact in

John W's papers, without wills or other supporting documentation, we at

the YNL have labeled the connections to the senior Jacob as speculative.


The first census which reports Jacob Yoders in Greene County was that

of 1810. It presents him as being in Jefferson Twp. Both he and his wife

are between 26 and 45 years of age. In the family are 5 males under 10

(presumably sons) and one female under 10 (a daughter). Research

which Dorothy Coffman had conducted by a professional genealogist in

1986 in two specific townships, shows that Jacob was in Jefferson Twp

as early as the tax record of 1807. He was taxed for one horse. Those we

are assuming to be his older sons begin appearing as the time continued

(generally the male would be listed after the age of majority- then 21

years of age). We trace these records first in Jefferson Township and

then in neighboring Morgan Twp (interposing the Federal Census at

each decade):


Jefferson Township:


1807- Jacob Yeater- 1 horse (h)

1808- Jacob Youder-1 h, 1 cow (c), occupation

1809- Jacob Yodder- 1h 2c occupation

1810- Jacob Yodder

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1810 CENSUS- Jefferson Twp:

Jacob _______ age 26-45, female age 26-45, 5 males <10, 1 female <10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1811- Jacob Youder-2h 2c

1813- Jacob Yodder-2h 2c

1814- Jacob Youder- 2h 3c, William Yougar 1h 1c (William Yoder

who married _______Longacre in Greene Co was Dorothy

Coffman's ancestor. Her William would have been 21 in about

1815. By 1830 he had moved to Carroll Co Ohio. He is the reason

for her interest, but she has yet to succeed in proving William to

be a son of Jacob Yoders).

1815-Jacob Youder 1h 1c, William Yauger

1816- Jacob Youder 2h 2c, William Youder

1817- Jacob Yader 2h 2c 1 dog

1818- Jacob Youder 2h 3c 1 dog (147 Ac Lance Test Estate), John

Youders 1h 1c.

1819- Jacob Yodder 2h 2c

1820- Jacob Yodder 1c 2 dogs, John Yodders (305 acres owned by B.

Reinhart), George Youder 1h single man.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1820 CENSUS-Washington Co, East Bethlehem Twp.

Jacob Yoder- over 45, female 26-45, 2 male 19-26, male 16-19,

2 male 10-16, 3 male under 10

-Greene County, Jefferson Twp.

George Yoder 16-26, female 16-26

John Yoder 16-26, female 16-26, 2 males under 10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1821- John Yodder 1h 2c, George Yodder-marked "married"

1822- William Yoder 1h 1c 1 yoke steer, John Yoder- 1h 1c

1823- William Yodder 1 h, George Yodder- 1c

1824- William Yodder "no property", George Yodder "no property"

1825- William Yoder 1h 1c

1826 Yoder listings end for Jefferson Twp


Morgan Township:

1829- Jacob Youder occupation potter 2 c, George Yodor 1c

1830- Jacob Yoder potter 1c, George Youder 1c, John Youders 1c.

Jacob Yoder "singleman", Daniel "singleman"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1830 CENSUS- Greene County- Jefferson Twp-

John Yeoders 30-40, female 20-30, male 10-15, 2 male 5-10

- Morgan Twp-

Jacob Yeoders 50-60, female 50-60, 2 male 20-30, male 10-15,

female 5-10

George Yeaders 40-50, female 40-50, male 20-30, female 20-30,

male 15-20, female 10-15, female under 5

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1831- Jacob Yoder 1c. George Yoder 1c, Jacob Yoder "singleman",

Daniel Yoder "singleman"

1832- Jacob Yoder 1c, George Yoder 1h 1c, Jacob Yoder "singleman",

Daniel Yoder "singleman"

1833- George Yoder 2h 1c, Daniel Yoder Sen(ior), Daniel

"singleman", Joseph Yoder "singleman"

1834- George Yoder 2h 2c, Daniel Yoders Sr 1c, Daniel Yoders

"singleman", Joseph Yoeders "singleman"

1835- George Yoder 1h, Daniel X'd off and Jacob Yoder entered 1c,

Daniel Yoder 1 h, Joseph Yoder

1836- George Yoder 1c, Jacob Yoder 1h 1c, John Yoder 1c, Daniel

Yoder 1h "married", Joseph Yoder 1h "married"

1837- Daniel Yoder 1h 1c, George Yoder 1h 1c, Jacob Yoder 1h 1c,

John Yoder 1c, Joseph Yoder "removed"

1838- Daniel Yoder 1h 1c, George Yoder 1c, Jacob Yoder 1h 1c, John

Yoder 1c

1839- Joseph Yoder 1h, Daniel Yoder "gone", George Yoder 1c,

Jacob Yoder "gone", John Yoder 1c, George Yoder Jr occupation

1840- Joseph Yoder "gone", L. James Yoder 3Ac land 1c, George

Yoder 1h 1c, John Yoder 1h 1c, George Yoder Jr. 1c

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1840 CENSUS- Greene County- Jefferson Twp.

Joseph Yedders (Yeider) 40-50, female 20-30, male 15-20,

m 10-15, female 5-10, female under 5

- Morgan Twp.

George Yedders (Yeoders) 50-60, female 50-60, male 40-50,

female 30-40, male 5-10, 2 male under 5, 2 females 10-15

George Yeoders Jr 2 male 20-30, female 20-30, male under 5

Lindsey Yeoders 20-30, female 40-50, female 15-20, male 10-15,

male 5-10, female under 5

Monongahela Twp.

George Yader 70-80, female 60-70, 2 male 20-30, male 15-20,

male 5-10, female 15-20

- Washington County- West Bethlehem Twp.

Mahlon Yoders 20-30, female 20-30, female under 5

Jacob Yoders 30-40, female 30-40, female 5-10, male 5-10,

male under 5

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1841- James L Yoder 3Ac 1c, George Yoder 1h 1c, John Yoder 1c,

George Jr 1c

1842- L. James Yoder 3Ac occupation, George Sr 1h 1c, John Yoder

1h 1c, Christopher Yoder 1h (this Christopher seems to be the

Christopher who is buried at the Baptist Cemetery in Jefferson, PA- died

8/22/1864 age 64y 8m 3d, husband of Rachel Boyd Young who d 1880

aged 77- his relationship to the family is not known, but he could have

been the missing male b 1800-10)

1843- James L Yoder 3Ac, George Yoder Sr, John Yoder 1h 1c,

Christopher Yoder 1h

1844- George Yoder (Geo. Sr.)

1845- George Yoder 1c, James L Yoder 1c "singleman", Christian

Yoder 1c

1846- George Yoder 1c, James L Yoder, Christopher Yoder 1c.

1847- same as 1846

1848- James L Yoder "moved out", Christopher Yoder 1h 1c, George

Yoder 1h 1c

1849- George Yoder Sr 2h 2c, George Yoder Jr 1c, Christopher Yoder


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In Greene Co- the following families appear:

Jefferson Twp- Catherine, George, James L, George, and Joseph Yoders;

Greene Twp- John and Alexander Yeoters;Aleppo Twp- Daniel Yoders

In Washington Co- West Bethlehem Twp- Jacob Yoders; Ammwell

Twp- Eli Yethers, and Mahlon Yeothers; Mono. Twp- Washington


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



John Yeoder (Yeoter), the apparent oldest son of Jacob Yoders, is show

in Greene Co records from 1818 onward. By 1860, however, he and wife

Elizabeth appear in the Licking Co, OH census of 1860. It seems he was

the father of Alexander Yoder as he is in the same household as

Alexander in the 1850 Census in Greene Co, PA. From the birth

locations of Alexanders children, we can assume this move occurred

between 1856 and 1862. Alexander and two of his sons served in Co F,

125th Reg, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. This line has been researched by

late Madge Hubbard of Seattle, Washington and by Mrs. Clylea C Yoder

of Marysville, OH.


George D Yoders, a stone mason and farmer, is recorded as having had

three wives. He is the ancestor of John W, Carl, and through son Joseph

C of Donald Honeywell of Baltimore, Md. Donald is making a detailed

study of this family and his careful research is the source of a number of

the dates used in the family chart. His work promises to evolve into the

most thorough study of the Yoders line. George D's son John Jasper fell

during the Civil War and sons George W, Benjamin W and William

Newton also served in Pennsylvania units.


Elizabeth Yoders is known to have married Zakariah Sharp, son of Isaac

Sharp and Mary Wolverton. She is the ancestress of Mrs. R. Crane of

Ashtabula, OH.


Jacob Yoders, shown in one census as having been born in Maryland in

1805, is buried in the Horn Cemetery near Zollersville, Washington Co.

PA. His son Jacob served in the Civil War and is also buried in the Horn



Daniel Yoders, shown in Greene Co Aleppo Twp in 1850, was in

Richhill Twp in 1860, and in 1870 was in Marshall Co, W VA. His son

James L Yoder died in Tiffin, OH. Son John Yoder died in Longley

Crossing, Wood Co, OH and is buried at the Fostoria Fountain

Cemetery. Son Zachariah stayed in West Virginia and was living as of

the 1900 census. Son George remained in Greene Co, died in 1905 and

is buried in the Quiet Dell Cemetery, Aleppo Twp. Zachariah and

George are both known to have served in the Civil War. Researchers of

this line include: Maxine Jones, Emily Davis, Iva Graffey, Eva May

Yoder, and Dean Gregg.


Joseph Yoders has the distinction of having one of his son's-in-law,

Valentine Craft, murdered on 1/25/1871 by a Mr. Robert Preston.


Less is known about Mahlon, primarily from census records.


James Lindsey Yoders served as Postmaster of Jefferson, PA and later

Recorder of Deeds and Register of Wills for Greene Co. His son John L

was a Civil War veteran.


During the 1920's the Yoders family was quite active, holding reunions

between 1923 and 1929. Thanks to Carl, we have copies of the reunion

registry from these times. Participants were mostly local, but William N

Yoders of Indianola, Iowa and his wife made the event in 1923, 1927 ,





According to the John W Yoder data preserved by Dr Robert Yoders,

John refers to Jacob Yoders as the son of another "Jacob" Yoder,

reputedly born in Germany or Switzerland. Unfortunately we don't know

what the basis of this view was nor do we know if he had any evidence

for it.


There are several factors which seem to tie Jacob with the Melchior

Yoder who was addressed in a cover article by Dorothy Yoder Coffman

in YNL 3. The first clue is that a MELCHOIR YEATHER paid 7

pounds 13 shillings to the Recorder Generals Office to convey a tract

called "WILLOW BOTTOM" in Ruffs Creek in what is now Greene

County- 325 acres on warrant dated 4 Dec 1786 and patented 28 July

1791. This land was granted by deed from MELCHOIR YEATHER to

DANIEL LONGACRE on 21 June 1793. Listed as adjoining properties

were lands owned by Elihu Woodruff, James Heaton, Phebe Cooper,

ISAAC SHARP, and the McFarlands. On 28 Apr 1797 this same land

was sold by Daniel Longacre for 100 pounds to John Martin of Morgan



Daniel Longacre was the father of the wife of the William Yoder who is

mentioned in the Jefferson Twp tax records. The Isaac Sharp, who

resided beside this property is the father of the Zachariah Sharp who

married Elizabeth Yoders.


When the Jacob Yoders descendants moved to Ohio, they settled in

Wood and Seneca Counties. From what we can trace of Melchior's

family, a branch of them also moved to Ohio. They ended up in Seneca

County by 1840!


In the Melchior Yoder family there was a son Jacob who was a potter.

What was the occupation of Jacob Yoders in Greene County? The tax

records from 1829 and 30 show him to have been a potter! There is one

problems which prevents us from being able to say this is the Jacob we

are looking for. There is a 1810 census record for the Jacob Yoder in

Melchior line (Centre Twp, Northumberland County). We know that our

Jacob came to Greene county by 1807, and is listed there in the 1810



But let's look further, Melchior had a brother Jacob, a bachelor, who died

in 1816 and left his estate to his nephews. The 1810 census shows the

male head in the Jacob household to be 26-45 years old (and therefore

the age of Melchior's son). The bachelor uncle does not appear to be

shown in the census at all, but IS KNOWN to have been living in the

township. WHAT IF, this Jacob was the Jacob who headed this

household, his age entry was overlooked, and some of his nephews lived

with him? In her study of tax records in Northumberland county,

Dorothy Coffman finds what we feel are some very interesting facts.


In 1799, in Penn Twp, then Northumberland but now Snyder County,

Jacob Yoder "potter" is shown with the rest of his family. He owned 1

cow at the time. In 1802, Jacob Yoder "potter" is in Penn Twp with 1

horse 1 cow 1 log house and log barns (on land owned by Melchior

Yoder Sr). In 1803 & 1804 Jacob Yoder "potter" is shown in Penn Twp.

owning 1 horse and 1 cow. In 1806 in Penn Twp, Jacob Yoder "potter" is

shown owning 50 acres 1 horse and 3 cows. The family now moves... we

next see tax lists from Centre Twp (also now Snyder Co). From 1809

onward, we do find a Jacob Yoder, but not once is this Jacob listed as

"Potter". Through the 1813 records we have at hand, he is shown owning

no land, no horse and no cow. He is referred to in both 1811 and 1813 as

"gentleman" the same title given to Melchior senior. The 1811 tax record

refers to him as living on property of John Yoder. The Jacob in Centre

Twp SEEMS to be the bachelor uncle. That uncle's will showed him a

resident of Centre Twp, and left the residue of his estate to his nephew

John (on whose property he resided in later years?).


Not enough to claim we have found Jacob Yoders, but certainly a

number of coincidences and enough to spark further speculation and



Martin Yoder Bible Located



Marriage entry



The Family Bible of Martin Yoder (OH11134) and Catherine Hoch

has been located at the Amish Heritage Historical Library, Route 4,

Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2R3. David Luthy writes that this undated

German Bible was purchased at a Lancaster Mennonite Historical

Society Book Auction in 1986. Martin (1819-1888) was a prominent

farmer and once ran for Congress. The family record in this Bible is

presented as follows:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Family Register of My Fathers Family-

Martin Yoder was born the 19th of October in the year of our Lord

1780. Susanna Yoder was born the 29th of November in the year of our

Lord 1783 the daughter of Daniel & Magdalena Peter in Oley. The ware

bound in Marrage the 17th of March 1807.

Daniel Yoder was born the 13th December 1807 and disceased the

21st of January 1808 was aged 5 weeks and 4 days.

Mary Yoder was born the 18th November 1808.

David Yoder was born the 8 day of March 1810.

Solomon Yoder was born the 25th of April 1812.

Daniel Yoder was born the 1th August 1814 deseased 20th March

2:38 in the morning 1815 was old 7 month and 20 d.

Margareta Yoder was born the 17th of August 1816 was taken by flux

on the 20th of August 1822 was old 6 years 3 days.

Martin Yoder was born the 24th of may 1819.

Cath. Yoder born the 27th May 1822 lived only two days.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Martin Yoder and Catherine Hoach got intermerit June 9th AD 1844 by

the Rivnd Mr Reller Kutztown Berks county Pena.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Martin Yoder was born May 24th AD 1819 in the State of

Pennsylvania and County of Berks, Oley township.

Catherine Hoach was born June 20th AD 1821 in the State of

Pennsylvania in the County of Berks and Township of Oley.

Catherine Yoder was babtiste on the 29th Day of April 1879 by

Revend J.J.Yager in the Bet. was sick at that time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My daughter Mary H Yoder was born June 15th AD 1845 in the State

of Pennsylvania County of Berks and township of Oley.

My son Ezra H Yoder was born September 7th AD 1848 in the State

of Pennsylvania County of Berks and Township of Oley.

My son henry H Yoder was born January 5th AD 1850 in the State of

Pennsylvania County of Berks and township of Oley.

My daughter Susanna H Yoder was born October 24th AD 1860 half

past 4 o'clock in the State of Pennsylvania County of Berks and

Township of Oley.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Abraham Yoder born the 22th 1827 Lived only 2 days.

Martin Yoder died on the 10 day of January 1837 was old 56 years 2

month 22 days.

Susanna Yoder died on the 13th March 1844 aged 60 years 3 month

14 day the ___ ___ John the 16th Chapter and the 28 vers and the song

was frinds Stett dos winiss Eise (sp?).

Register of Martin Yoder family Ezra H Yoder god sick on the _ of

September 1868 and died on the 16 of September at 7 o'clock at ___.

Was sick _ weeks. Toyfide fever was aged 20 years and 9 days. ___ 19

chapter and the 10 vers. The song page 92 in song book.

Catherine Yoder wife of Martin Yoder got sick on Esater Monday

April 14th and her sickness continued seven weeks and departed life

June 1st 1879 at ten oclock in the evening aged 57 years eleven month

and eleven days. 57y 11m 11d. and lived in marriage 34 years eleven

months and twenty two days. Was baptized the 29th day of April 1879 by

Rev Yager.

Martin Yoder son of Martin Yoder got sick for a few years had to

com___ a number of years his sickness was Kidney & heart dicease.

Ended his life Feb 7th at quarter after four o'clock in the year of our lord

one thousand eight hundred & eighty eight 1888. Aged sixty eight years

eight months & thirteen days. 68y 8m 13d.

Andora M Yoder born Merkel was borne Feb 15th 1857 was babtized

Aug 25th 1857 was married to Henry H Yoder of Oley Jan 3rd 1882.

DiedJan 15th 1903 at eleven ock pm. Her age was forty five years eleven

months. 45y 11m.




The Yoder Newsletter- Founded 1983 by

Ben F Yoder (1913-1992); Chris Yoder & Rachel Kreider



Chris Yoder, Editor, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; John W. Yoder, Circulation

Manager, Middlebury,IN; Fred C. Yoder, Distribution Manager,

Goshen,IN ; Rachel Kreider, Senior Contributing Editor. Other

Contributors: Fred C Yoder, Goshen,IN; John W. Yoder,

Middlebury,IN; Richard H. Yoder, Bechtelsville, PA; Hubert A. Yoder,

Charlotte, NC; Dorothy Yoder Coffman, Malvern, PA; Dr. Don Yoder,

Devon, PA.



-Dealing with circulation issues such as new or renewed subscriptions,

changes of address, orders for back issues to: Yoder Newsletter, P.O.

Box 594, Goshen, IN 46527-0594.

-Dealing with ancestral queries or contributions for future YNLs or

archives (such as reunion notices, letters to the Editor, copies of Bible

records or other historical information) to: Chris Yoder, Unit 61306, Box

56, APO AE 09803-1306 (allow 3-4 weeks for reply)



The YNL subscription is on an annual basis and the rate is $3. As the

YNL is not-for-profit, we have generally been able to offer one or more

bonus issues in each subscription period. BACK ISSUES of the YNL are

$1 per issue ($24 for a complete set of issues 1-24). These may be

ordered from the Goshen YNL address.





George Yoder was recently honored by UPS in a Nation-wide ad for

completing over 25 years of service without an accident.


Pete Yoder of Sun City, AZ displays his artistic creations made from

items taken out of the gizzards of turkeys. Pete worked for 15 years in a

turkey processing plant in Goshen, IN. Items range from keys, to rocks

to a hypodermic needle (credits to the Sun City "Daily News-Sun" and to

Michael P. Hegarty and Mollie J Hoppes of its staff.





YOU Can Help! HOW? Read On...


With a lot of effort, we have assembled Yoder group information for

many Yoder lines. For the Amish and Amish-Mennonite Yoder groups,

the solid foundation upon which our data has been built is the AAMG

book by Dr. Gingerich and Rachel Kreider. As a general rule, this data

stops with family groups in which the first child had been born before

the 1850 census.

The YNL proposes to add THIRTY YEARS to this date, and include

all families who had their first child by the 1880 census. We have

already collected a significant amount of this information, and want to

purify it, add to it, and have it ready for distribution in one or more

forms by the spring of 1996. With this in mind, we will be sending out

individual queries asking many of you to help in fleshing out your own

ancestral groups. We will appreciate your help in this.




in the GOSHEN, INDIANA area,


and also in any other area of the country where you have ready access to

the 1880 and 1900 SOUNDEX Census records.


Be a part of this adventure! Write to: Chris Yoder, Unit 61306 Box 56,

APO AE 09803-1306. Write today! You decide what you are willing to

take on. We'll be specific with the references to check and what to look

for. No special skills or training are necessary, just some free time and a

desire to help out.


IN PATENT LIST- James Yoder et al."James May and Daniel Yoder"

(OH111), plots given to sons John and David


A Yoder Trivia Item from Mabel V Brunk:

QUESTION: What current TV sit-com character has a wife with

Yoder Ancestors?

ANSWER: Harry Anderson, of "Night Court" and "Dave's World".

Leslie Yoder Pollack, his wife, d/o Roberta Yoder Pollack, d/o Homer &

Effie Ganger Yoder, s/o Simon Peter (YRB1118) & Mary Metzler

Yoder, s/o Jacob and Anna Yoder Yoder both born Mifflin Co, PA.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Readers may recall Tina Yothers, co-star with Michael J Fox on the TV

show "Faimily Ties".... Miss Yothers is a Descendant of Jacob Yothers of

the Mennonite line chronicled by the late Richard J Yothers, Jr.



CORRECTION: In the YNL #23 we erroneously referred to Mrs.

Frances Schultz of Torrington, Wyo as the daughter of "Homer" Yoder.

This was a grieveous error. Her father was the Hiram Yoder who headed

up the jury which convicted the notorious Tom Horn (see YNL 22 page 4).


Florence adds more of the western Yoders:


"Phil Yoder--Champion Cowboy of the World"


Phil Yoder was the favorite young man of many. I have fond thoughts

of him. He taught me about horses and I became a good rider. Phil

Yoder was the son of Jess Yoder, who gave the land Yoder, Wyo was

built on and a couisn of Oscar Yoder (the state senator). They lived on a

ranch in the Bear Creek area, west of LaGrange, Wyo. Phil Yoder, like

most young men, attended the fairs, rodeos and stock shows, taking part

in calf roping, riding broncos, and bull riding. He went whereever they

were holding them. In Canada at Calgary, stock shows in Denver and

Cheyenne Frontier Days he showed as a top contender. He won many

saddles given by the Denver Post. He was soon recognized as the best, so

he was given the title "Champion Cowboy of the World".

A rancher named Charles Irwin owned a ranch near Meridan, Wyo.

He became interested in showing the world the wild west, as did many

others. Mr. Irwin gathered together contestants od stampeeds and bronco

riders along with sharpshooters and clowns. He purchased stage coaches

and whatever they have to have to stage a show. They traveled about the

country, appeared at Madison Square Garden. In the meantime, Phil

Yoder married Irwin's youngest daughter, they later separated. I may be

mistaken, but I have heard this wild west show went to England. Phil

Yoder was the great attraction. The show later closed and the coaches

and materials stored in Cheyenne, Wyo.

Phil Yoder, after this stint went on with his riding and going to stock

shows. He was injured serverly at the State Fair in Douglas, Wyoming.

he partially recovered. He went to ranching and never did enter contests.

He passed away in the 1950's. There are no descendants.


"Yoder Station" Marks Valley Line Historic Site


In his 1973 Family Life series on "Towns Named Yoder", David

Luthy wrote of this spot once named "Yoder" in LaGrange County,

Indiana. We are glad to see it get a bit of present day prominence and,

thanks to the efforts of present owner, Carl Dintaman, its history will be



Two of Samuel R Yoder's grandchildren stand beside the sign for "Yoder

Station"... Doris Ehret and Otho B. Yoder.


Article with permission of the "LaGrange News" 12/10/1993


"Regarding the Old Valley Line interurban- I don't have a very clear

memory of going on it more than once or twice. We got on it at Alfred

Street and Jackson (in Elkhart) and it stopped at Bristol, Middlebury,

Shipshewana and anyplace anyone flagged it down. I have seen

mentioned that Yoder was considered a flag stop. It went on to LaGange

and I'm not sure to Angola. We most always went up first in the Model T

Ford and later in the green Maxwell over the weekend. We returned to

Elkhart loaded down with goodies-- apples in season, eggs, bacon and

even a ham occasionally. Granddad was the first to make the remark

which I sometimes say, "Why is it your car always seems to be much

fuller going home than it did when you arrived?"--O.B. Yoder. His

cousin Doris Mast Ehret remembers her grandfather Samuel going out at

night with a lantern to flag down the train for them to ride home on.


Letters to the Editor

Your Newsletter has been of great benefit to our group as we found

that Richard H Yoder, one of your contributors, is a distant cousin. Also,

through a query placed by Louise Rainey, of Midland, Michigan,

someone at YNL furnished her with information that led to the location

of our cousin, Leroy Yoder, whom we had been searching for for two

years. Thanks again for a great publication!- Mary E. Kenny, Omaha,


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Several years ago you were of great help to me in locating my great

grandfather Harvey Yoder. You pointed me to the Hochstetler book

reference and it proved to be correct. As a result I met an uncle whom I

had never met and found two half-sisters that I did not know existed.

That was quite an interesting experience.... I have certainly enjoyed

subscribing to the Newsletter. You have done a great job.--Jo Ann

Mattingly, Simi Valley, CA




Two grandaughters of YRB186-Thanks to Vivian Yoder for the


GOLDA ELLEN YODER PLANK b 12/8/1890 d 11/6/1991(see YNL

#17) her sister NANCY b 10/24/1888 d 8/18/1990




Looking for any information regarding Blanche Reese who married

Harvey Yoder, son of Jacob Yoder (YR23567). Harvey was born in

Osborne County, KS, and moved to Detroit, MI, about 1906. They may

have lived for some time in the Toledo,OH area. Blanche had a daughter,

Alice Dorothy Yoder, born 1906. Please reply: Jo Ann Mattingley, 704

Windwillow Way, CA 93065


Working on a CLINE History. One Cline sister was one of the wives of

CONRAD YODER of North Carolina. I'd like to hear from any

descendants of the Yoder-Cline family. -Mrs. Pauline H Reinhart, 3614

Buffalo Shoals Rd., Hwy 1003, Newton, N.C. 28658 (tel- (704) 428-



Query- Want information on family and ancestry of Joel Cyrus Yoder

(1850-1937) Buried in United Brethren Cem., Mabel, PA. m1 Mary

Thomas, m2 Mary Billman. Children: Harry C., Hanna, Maude, Laura.

Reply to: Mary Deibler, 245 Plank Rd, York Springs, PA 17372


John Yotter (c1795- ?) and Sarah Elizabeth Shick (1807-1872) had

eleven children. Sons Claymore Yotter (b c1843- ) and David Yotter (b

c1840- ) were living in Philadelphia at the time of their mothers death

in 1872. What became of them?- Please reply to Richard K. Yotter, 521

E Newport Rd, Lititz, PA 17543



H. Nick Yoder, 71, of Hickory, NC died Dec.22, 1993. He was born

Nov.11,1922- son of Grady P. and Lizzie A. Yoder. He was a retired

brick mason and verteran of WWII. Survivors include wife Helen, son

Harold N. II of Hickory, and daughter Susan Wilson of Lincolntown.


MENNONITE HERITAGE TOUR (Apr 27,1995-May 17,1995). J.

Lemar and Lois Ann Mast, tour leaders, Leroy Beachy, resource person.

Travel to historic Anabaptist sites. Worship with and meet current day

Mennonites in Holland, Switzerland, France and Germany. Visit many

ancestral homesteads and hometowns. A wonder-full trip is scheduled.

For Itineraries and details contact: Mennonite Family History, 10 West

Main Street, Elverson, PA 19520-0171 or call (610) 286-0258.



Name Items from "Yoder's Shipshewana Hardware"


Magnet- for Refrigerator or Notes- 99 cents (no postal charge)

Square cut wooden yardstick, w/leather strap- $2.49 plus $1.50 shipping.

Linen calendar for 1995- $4.49 plus $1.50 shipping.

Order from: Yoder's Shipshewana Hardware, P.O. Box 639, Shipshewana, IN 46565


The YNL will publish Yoder related inquiries or exchanges at no charge.

Please limit as possible and include a full return address. All inquiries

are checked against our own records to see if we can help too. If you

receive significant added info please share it also with the YNL for our

files. Send to: Chris Yoder, Unit 61306 Box 56, APO AE 09803-1306.


Information wanted to help document my ancestors. I am an g-

granddaugher of Simon Timothy Yoder (YR239e6) son of Benedict

Yoder (1817-1910) and Sarah Miller. Reply to: Cynthia Yoder Stevens,

720 West Landoran Lane, Tucson, Az 85737-9707



Thanks to Martha Schlabach of Partridge, KS for sharing some items

of stitchery handed down within her family. Various items by her

grandmother, Christena Yoder Schlabach (b 1863) and great

grandmother Francis Mast Yoder (wife of Jacob Yoder YR142334)

include a family register, apparently done soon after Christena's

marriage in 1886:

"The Family record of

Jacob and Fanny Yoder

Father was born July the 12 1818

Mother was born May the 21 1829

Susanna was born June the 21 1853

Rebecca was born Dec the 10th 1855

Christena was born March the 28 1863

Fanny was born July the 1 1866

Sarah was born Nov the 26 1871

Elizabeth was born March the 30 1859

Died Sep the 13 1863 Aged

4 years 5 months and 14 days

Solomon Schlabach and

Christena Yoder were given

In marriage Jan the 21 1886.

This work I leave

My friends to view

When I have bid

This world adieu

Christena Schlabach.

- - - - - - - -



The 1995 OPEN SESSION of the Yoder Family


WHEN: August 1995 WHERE: The Hickory, North Carolina area


Hosted by the Conrad Yoder family, this event will be held to coincide

with the 45th annual reunion of that line. It's planned to be "the largest

gathering of Yoders ever in the United States". You will be introduced to

the Conrad Yoder family and to the Amish, Mennonite and other Yoder

lines, and learn about each other's history and traditions. The three day

event will be centered at the Catawba County Historical Museum in

Newton and at the Zion Lutheran Church. There will be speakers, a

Yoder Store stocked with Yoder items for sale (including a special 1995

Yoder Reunion T-shirt), a dramatic presentation of the Conrad Yoder

family story, historical tours, displays, banners, a Saturday night doin'

complete with vittles, bluegrass music, and dancin' -- an even and

historical Sunday morning service (in period costume).




"Sugar Run" Home Place of George W Yoders (1833-1890)


William N Yoders and wife Rebekah, Indianola, Iowa circa 1890s


Charles S Yoders, a son of George W - circa 1880s


Charles S & Mary Ellen Stewart Yoder circa 1930s


Carl Miller Yoder and Mary Alice Suydam

On their Wedding day, 2/4/1943


Carl and Mary Participating in the D-Day 50th Anniversary Ceremonies

5 Jun 1994


Yoder Familv Reunites

HICKORY DAILY RECORD---ri., August 26, 1994

A patriotic motif featuring table covers in alternating colors of red and white coordinated with large flags representing Switzerland, the United States and the Confederate States, were among the many features displayed recently at the 44th annual convention of the Yoder family. Approximately 175 family members attended the event at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church south of Hickory. The Rev. Margaret Yoder Butler, an Episcopal priest who serves a parish in Ottumwa, Iowa, delivered the invocation.

The reunion's theme was "Lest We Forget," a tribute to descendants of Conrad Yoder who fought on both sides during the Civil War. Copies of letters composed during the Civil War by area soldiers were on display. They included the correspondence of Amzi A. Hawn and John Abel Yoder, who died in battle.

The letters, shown publicly for the first time, are from the Neal Wilfong collection.

Yoder descendents and guests enjoyed a covered-dish picnic accompanied by the strains of songs from the

Civil War era. The assembly room also featured photographs and etchings from the time of the Civil War. Pictures of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Gen. Robert E. Lee were grouped prominently beneath the crossed flags of the Union and the Confederacy.

The Yoder family in North Carolina traces its origins to Switzerland. The clan was brought to the Tar Heel state in the mid-1700s by Conrad Yoder, who purchased property front Heinrich Weidner in the vicinity of the Ramsour Bridge spanning the Jacob's Fork River in Mountain View

After lunch Yoder president Rachael Hahn Kennedy of Harrisburg introduced the Rev. Robert L. Yoder, who spoke briefly on a nation divided by civil war.

The officers of the Yoder family were then recognized. Serving with Ms. Kennedy are Michael B. Huffman. vice president; Neal D. Wilfong, secretary; and Gerald M. Yoder, treasurer. Ted M. Yoder serves as special assistant to the president.

Richard E. Yoder, chairman of the executive committee, announced that the officers have agreed to serve an additional year in office. He explained that their experience was necessary to implement the numerous details that had to be covered concerning the local clan's plan to serve as host for all the various Yoder lines throughout America in 1995.

Ms. Kennedy described activities tentatively planned for next year's national convention. The three-day event will be held at various locations throughout Catawba County and will include historic tours of area sites, a barbecue and dance, a pageant portraying Conrad Yoder, a musical concert, sales of Yoder crafts and wares, an old-fashioned worship service, and the release of a special T-shirt, among other ideas.

Committee chairs announced for the convention include Ted Yoder, publicity, and Harold Yoder, Saturday dinner and dance. Other committee appointments will be named at a later date.

The reports of the secretary and treasurer were circulated in printed format. In a tabulation of family statistics, the secretary noted that there were eight births and 15 marriages. Known deaths in the Yoder and Reep families during the last fiscal year were 46.

Contributions to Lenoir-Rhyne College and Zion, Grace and Daniels Lutheran churches were announced. A memorial to the late Norman S. James, a former Yoder president, will be sent to Bethel United Church of Christ. An offering was taken to assist with expenses.

"The Battle Hymn of the Republic" was sung by everyone as Civil War reenactors from a local unit marched into the room. A temporary camp set up on the church grounds served as headquarters for the Union soldiers.

The talk, "Yoders in the Civil War," was given by Ted Yoder, former family president. He stated that several local clan members sacrificed their lives during the war, including John Abel Yoder and two of his sons as well as Amzi Haven, who was married to Yoder's daughter.

First-time visitors to the reunion included Margery Yoder Arkansas of Cherokee, Jean Yoder of Hickory and formerly of New York, Marshall Yoder of Charlotte, Carolyn Yoder Dobbs of Fort Worth, Texas, and Steve and Rita Abee of Connelly Springs.

Youngest members of the family were David E.A. Wilfong (4) and his sister Caroline E.C. Wilfong (2). They are the children of Neal and Miriam Wilfong of Cleveland.

Louise Anthony McNeely (86) of Lincolnton and Ralph E. Yoder (81) of Hildebran were the oldest family representatives.

A grandson of William McKinley Yoder, local potter Steve Abee, showcased a sampling of his handmade pottery, which included a limited edition jug decorated with a Roman cross in relief. The crock contained a scnpture verse on the opposite side. The piece will be donated to the proposes Yoder house planned for construction in Grantsville, Md.

Flowers gracing the parish hall were given to Zion Church in honor of sisters Ruby Bolick and Nina Pitts.

Products produced by the Yoder Popcorn Co. of Indiana were sold. Several types of popcorn were available as well as Yooer Popcorn T-shirts.

The meeting was adjourned by Ms. Kennedy after the reading of a quotation from Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address. The singing of the "Yoder Reunion Hymn" was led by Ms. Arkansas, Ms. Kennedy and the Rev. Butler.


Yothers Family Holds 70th Reunion

The Yothers Family from Bucks County held its 70th Reunion Sunday, June 5 at St. John's Evangelical

Lutheran picnic grove, Spinnerstown with 26 members present. The oldest member present was

Naomi Yothers, Souderton, 89 years old, while the youngest was Jarnes Brian Yothers, 4 years old. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Yothers, Souderton.

Hans Joder (John Yoder) was the pioneer ancestor probably born in Germany about 1680. He purchased 99 acres in Lower Milford Township, (then known as "The Great Swamp") from Joseph Krowden of Trevose in 1720 for 15 pounds. The Yoders were Mennonites and John Yoder and his wife, Anna, and son, John Jr., donated the land to the Saucon Mennonite Meeting House, which was erected circa 1738.

Many of Hans Yoder's decendants are buried there. Hans Yoder's son, Casper, moved to Doylestown Township. Casper Yoder sold his farm to his son, Jacob Yoder, who changed his name to Yothers.

All the Bucks County Yothers families are his descendants. Garrett Benner, Sellersville asked

the blessing before the 5p.m . meal at the reunion. The officers are: President Dan Hunsberger, Perkasie; Vice President John M. Hunsberger, Perkasie; Secretary Treasurer Alverna ( Yothers ) Hunsberger, Apple Butter Road, Perkasie. There was no reunion held in 1993 .The next reunion will be held the first Sunday in June 1z7S


Pre-teen queen

Amber Yoder, 12, daughter of Ben and Chris Yoder, Shipshewana, wears the crown of Miss Indiana American Pre-teen. She took part in a parade in her honor Monday, having won her tiara Sunday at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Indianapolis. She will compete in a national pageant in November.

(Photo by Lynne Echtenkamp)- with permission of Goshen News.


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Yoder Newsletter - © Christopher K. Yoder, 1992, 1994