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THIS ISSUE Contains:
---Christian Yoder Indenture (YR12)
---9/11 Tragedy Brushes Yoder Family
---Charles Francis Yoder, Missionary
---Charles Francis Yoder, My Grandfather
---Yoder Farmhouse in Somerset County
The Yoder Newsletter has come into possession of an original parchment indenture showing the sale of the property of Christian Yoder (YR12) in Berks County to his son Joseph in 1789. Although we've covered this gentleman and his family fairly well (YNL30) this new information is just too good not to feature. Much of the information contained in this document supports conclusions which were painstakingly arrived at by Hugh Gingerich and Rachel Kreider while preparing their monumental work "Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies (AAMG)". After reviewing a transcript of the indenture, YNL Co-founder Rachel Kreider writes: "I've gone over the indenture and found it interesting to see how much information we had already surmised about that family. I remember how very difficult the Yoder puzzle was for me when in the 1950's I was trying to outline these immigrant families of 1742. Even in the 1960's, Dr. Gingerich with all his expertise found it almost too great a challenge to identify the Jacobs, the Christians, the Johns in those two generations until in a most unexpected way we found the Barbara Shirk will (YR18- featured in YNL2). In it she named her brothers and sisters, but not in the right order. Now at least we know who the children were of Christian of this indenture. "The land-transaction date of 1742 for him and 1747 for his brother Jacob suggested to us that they took land as they became of age. Christian Joder (YR2) negotiated quick rent and interest from Mar. 1, 1741 for land in another location which he conveyed to his son Christian (YR23)(aka"Schweitzer Christian") in 1760. By now we could identify all three Christian Yoders that had confused descendants for so many years. " The indenture is dated 3 Feb 1789 and is labeled a "Release between Heirs of Christian Yoder to Joseph Yoder" for ownership of "their late father's plantation in Bern Township Berks Co." Records of subsequent sales are also annotated from "Joseph Yoder to Peter Glick 14 Apr 1804" and from "Peter Glick to Andrew Boyer 26 April 1806". The indenture contains original signatures of all of his children but one. Elizabeth Yoder, wife of Christian Hertzler, is mentioned as an heir in the original draft, but did not sign the document. Her last child was born 18 Feb 1788 in Berks County. AAMG shows her death as 11 Jan 1791 also in Berks. Interestingly enough, this is after the document was signed and witnessed (21 Sep 1790) in Bedford County. Can we infer that she was ill, or "heavy with child" and therefore not able to be present? Perhaps. The document reads: "THIS INDENTURE Made the third day of February anno domini one Thousand seven hundred and eighty nine Between Jacob Yoder, Jacob Stutzman & Anna his wife of Brothers Valley Township, Christian Yoder and John Yoder of Quemahone Township, John Miller & Froena his Wife, John Miller and Katherine his wife of Elk Lick Township, all of Bedford County, Pennsylvania, Christian Hertzler & Elizabeth his wife, Jacob Hertzler and Barbara his wife, & David Yoder of Bern Township, and Henry Yoder of Winser Township both of Berks County Pennsylvania aforesaid of the one part (they-(....names listed)......being children & Heirs of Christian Yoder late of Bern Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Deceased) and Joseph Yoder also one of the sons of Christian Yoder of Bern Township Berks County aforesaid yeoman of the other part, "WHEREAS, Christian Yoder the father, obtained a warrant from the proprietaries of Pennsylvania aforesaid Dated on or about the Nineteenth day of October 1743 for the quantity of one hundred acres adjoining John Kaufman and Benjamin Kaufman in Bern Township aforesaid then Lancaster now Berks County, In Pursuance whereof there was surveyed & laid out XXXXX unto the said Christian Yoder the father a certain tract of land adjoining land now of Jacob Kintlesberger, Baltzer (?Epler), Peter Epler, and others in said Township containing about Two hundred & eighty two acres of Land & Allowances be this same more or less, and being so thereof seized died in testate .... leaving issue...... Now this indenture Witnesseth ...... for and in consideration of the sum of thirty nine pounds thirteen shillings & six pence in real specie of gold or silver money of Pennsylvania, to them and each of them in hand severally & respectively paid by their brother Joseph Yoder, the receipt whereof they do severally & respectively acknowledge ..... The indenture goes on to describe the property in detail, citing neighbors Stephen Kaufman, Jacob Kintlesberger, Baltzer (Epler?), "to a post thence by another part of the said tract intended to be released to David Yoder" ....... containing One hundred and forty one acres & three quarters of an acre & the Customary allowances of six prhs for roads etc- [It being a part of the same tract of land above mentioned surveyed to the said Christian Yoder the father] witness whereof the said parties to these present have hereunto set their hands and seals Dated the Day & Year first above written........Sealed & Delivered In the presence of: Christian Garber (sp?), David Joder, Ebenezer Griffith."
Signatures here: Left: Christian Hertzler, Jacob Hertzler (Barbara her mark),
-adapted from the Brethren Encyclopedia
![]() |
Charles Francis Yoder was a missionary, editor and teacher in the Brethren Church. He was the son of Eli L. Yoder (YR12a321) and Nancy Secrist, and was born Mar. 26, 1873 in Wayne Co., Oh. Eli L. Yoder (1842-1913) had been born into an Amish-Mennonite family, but served in the army during the Civil War. He joined the German Baptist Brethren in Ohio in 1866, was minister of the Chippewa congregation (1869), was a leader of the Brethren Sunday school movement, and for a while was part owner and editor of The Brethern Evangelist. Charles Francis moved with his family to Ashland, Oh (1885), southwestern Missouri (1886), Falls City, Ne (1887) and Morrill, Ks (1889) where he first met L.S. Bauman, with whom he was to work in later life. Yoder graduated from an academy in Hiawatha, Ks (1889), and studied at Taylor University in Ft. Wayne, In (1992-93), and the U. of Chicago (BA, 1899, BD, 1902). Concurrently, he was pastor or elder of the Warsaw, Fairview, and Dutchtown, In, congregations (1894-c1902) and helped establish the Goshen, In, congregation after he held revival meetings there in 1900. Under his leadership the number of members in the Warsaw congregation increased from 30 to 430 and other congregations experienced considerable growth. Yoder was ordained an elder at general Conference in 1893. As one of the leaders in the first youth program of the Brethren Church, he served as secretary of the "King's Children Society". Although he had graduated with honors at the U. of Chicago, Yoder declined a teaching fellowship in church history to become the editor of The Brethren Evangelist in 1903 and to teach Bible and theology courses at Ashland College. In 1904 he married Pearl Lutz (1876-1943), a schoolteacher from Falls City, Ne. In Ashland, Yoder helped organize a campaign to close local taverns and "saloons", served as general secretary of the Foreign Mission Society (1903-c1906), and compiled material for God's Means of Grace (1908), and extensive (631 page) exposition of Brethren ordinances and doctrines. Ashland College awarded him an honorary PhD degree in 1909 in recognition of his work. In the service of the Foreign Missionary Society (FMS), Yoder investigated the potential for mission work in Persia (Iran), May-July, 1905. war and uncertain political conditions brought his trip to a premature end; Yoder recommended against sending additional missionaries to Persia. After the FMS decision to begin mission work in Argentina (1907), C.F. and Pearl Yoder were asked to become the first foreign missionaries. They spent a year in Montreal, Quebec (May 1908-June 1909) in preparation for work among Roman Catholics in Argentina. The Yoders, eventually located in Rio Cuarto, where C.F. Yoder later taught biology at the national College (1912-1923). This position gave the Brethren Church mission somewhat greater respectability and provided the first contact with Adolfo Zeche, who succeeded Yoder as superintendent of the mission in 1945. In 1923 C.F. Yoder resigned his teaching position to devote more time to evangelistic ministry. As tension within the Brethren Church increased in the late 1930s, C.F. Yoder's relative distance from events in the US led some leaders of the denomination to look to him as a conciliator in his position as general Conference moderator, 1937-38. Continuing controversy after his return to Argentina caused him to return to the US on his own initiative in July 1939. After the division of the Brethren Church, he helped reestablish The Brethren Evangelist as a contributing editor, then despite earlier plans to retire from mission service, returned to Argentina to reorganize work under the auspices of the Missionary Board of the Brethren Church. He retired as superintendent in 1945 but remained in Argentina, where he wrote several books, numerous articles, and considerable poetry. He died on Feb. 7, 1955. - - - - - - - - - - Adapted with permission from The Brethren Encyclopedia (1983- 1984), author Dennis D. Martin, Brethren Encyclopedia, Inc., 313 Fairview Ave., Ambler, PA 19002-4307. Photo- from Grace Brethren International Missions, Winona Lake, Indiana and Ruth Baker ************************************************************ CHARLES FRANCIS YODER MY GRANDFATHER By Elsa Ruth Romanenghi Yoder, Córdoba, Argentina. It is not easy to write about one's own grandfather: Childhood memories keep propping up and objectivity is put aside. Besides, knowledge of another person is a growing experience. We ourselves grow and become aware of things we had taken for granted as children. I am now a grandmother myself and feel as if I were just beginning to find out things about Grandpa. I can still remember some lessons I received from him at an early age. I was starting school and learning how to read and write. On my way to school I used to spell out words written on the city walls. My mother told me they were bad words so I was not to read them aloud or repeat them. But one day, knowing I was doing wrong, I took a piece of charcoal and sneaked out at siesta time to write two or three of them on our neighbor's house. She found out, of course, and later came and knocked at our door. I was fortunate to have Grandpa staying with us a few days, because otherwise I would have been whacked by my father. Grandpa got a pail of water and a couple of rags and gently took me by his hand from where I was hiding in terror and went with me outdoors. Under the curious glance of people going and coming along the sidewalk we scrubbed the bad words from the wall. What a lesson! And how graceful the way he impressed it on me for the rest of my life. As I became a teenager I had mixed feelings about grandpa. I was proud of him when I brought home friends and saw how he handled information about different topics. He was up to date on scientific or philosophic themes about which many parents would have not have much to say. I didn't know at the time, as happens with ones own parents and grandparents, that he was a learned man and held several degrees: For me he was "Grandpa the preacher". On the other hand I felt like ducking under the table when he started to talk about "faith in Christ" to my friends from school who were mostly Roman Catholic or Jewish. I used to squirm uncomfortable till I found some excuse to get out of the situation. But how many people later in my life told me they had known Christ through my grandfather! I became a Christian myself after marrying, and begun to appreciate what a real Christian character he had, and what strength there was in his convictions. One of my last pictures of him was the day his wife died. Ever since I was a child I had noticed on the wall near his desk, a framed typewritten poem, dedicated to my grandmother Pearl. The day after she died I happened to walk into his room and noticed a stanza had been added: The same typewriter, but the ink of the ribbon was different! I read it with tears in my eyes because it was a moving stanza, a last good bye to his wife of many years. I was deeply moved at learning what married love could mean. Because Eleonor, my mother, was his eldest daughter she inherited most of Grandpa's books, and other things. But it was long after he died that I discovered these treasures and unrolled his degrees. I was surprised to find a History of Philosophy which he must have used as a young man because I saw his notes on some pages. I was already teaching philosophy at the University of Tucumán at the time. But my decision was taken not knowing he held a doctorate in Philosophy as well as one in Theology, and that he had a degree in Classical studies, all of which were things he never mentioned. Looking through one of the books he wrote (besides his main work God's Means of Grace, publ. 1908) I was amazed that more than fifty years ago, he could have investigated and written in such modern terms about missions (The Argentine Mission Field). He covered information about the country, its people and culture, character and morals, education, government, etc. What we would now properly call a sociological study as well as a Christian evaluation. There are many more anecdotes about him which people remember about him, and I sometimes feel I ought to gather all that information and write about a great man I was not able to appreciate till he was gone.-----Elsa Ruth Romanenghi Yoder, Argentina. ************************************************************ YODERS IN ARGENTINA YODER DIRECT FROM RUSSIA Hello, I'm Carlos Yoder. I'm 23 and live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My great-grandfather (Abraham Yoder) came from Kiev, Russia in 1904. I'm the youngest grandchild of the youngest of Abraham's children (Simon Yoder, who's now 79). I'd like to know more about my long-lost family! Here we are very few, but it seems like we are a lot! I have an big brother, Pablo Yoder (27), and my father is Aldo Mario Yoder (57). The other branches of the family are all but gone, since my grandfather's siblings were women, or men with no offspring. Please, let me know what can I do to help! Thank you so much, ---Carlos Yoder , Buenos Aires, Argentina - - - - - - - - - - YNL Note: We are trying, with Elsa Ruth Romanenghi Yoder's help, to trace further the history of Carlos's family. Her daughter has gotten in touch with him. Elsa reports that there are Mennonite immigrants who also came from Russia at the beginning of the century and settled as farmers, in Entre Ríos, near Bs. As. But Carlos' great grandfather seems to have traveled alone, at about the same time. We hope to have more to share by the next newsletter. ************************************************************ 9-11 TRAGEDY BRUSHES YODER FAMILY
(Township Map)
The national tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001 includes no Yoder surnames on the casualty list. It did, however, brush against the history of the Yoder family. In a remote field in Stony Creek Township, Somerset County, Pa. , United Airline Flight 93 came to an heroic end. This same township was settled by "Schweitzer Christian" Yoder and his family in the spring of 1775. Thanks to Milton Walker of Somerset for providing information about the geographic relationship of the crash site to significant Yoder historical sites. The plane came down in a field almost due north of the town of Shanksville. The Old Yoder cemetery in the midst of the Zubeck Coal Company property and the cemetery of Bishop Christian Yoder Jr. are to the southwest of Shanksville. The distance between the crash and Yoder homesteads seems less than 2 mile. A local historical group is seeking to put a memorial at the crash location. For more information visit: ************************************************************
The Yoder Newsletter- Founded 1983 by
Ben F Yoder (1913-1992), Chris Yoder & Rachel Kreider
Chris Yoder, Editor, Battle Creek, MI; John W. Yoder, Circulation
Manager, Middlebury, IN; Rachel Kreider, Senior Contributing
Editor, Goshen, IN; Esther E. Yoder, Mail Manager, Goshen, IN;
Donald Kauffman, YNL Homepage Webmaster, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada. Other Contributors: Richard H. Yoder, Bechtelsville, PA;
Hubert A. Yoder, Charlotte, NC; Dorothy Yoder Coffman, Malvern,
PA; Dr. Don Yoder, Devon, PA; Neal D. Wilfong, Cleveland, NC.
- FOR CIRCULATION ISSUES ONLY such as new or renewed
subscriptions, changes of address, orders for back issues to:
Newsletter, P.O. Box 594, Goshen, IN 46527-0594.
- ALL OTHER CORRESPONDENCE- Dealing with ancestral
queries or contributions for future YNLs or archives (such as
notices, letters to the Editor, copies of Bible records or other
information) to: Chris Yoder, 203 Lakeshire Rd., Battle Creek,
49015 (or by electronic mail to "").
YNL PRICE INFORMATION $$$$ (Price unchanged since 1983!)
-The YNL subscription is on an annual basis-two issues for $3.
-BACK ISSUES of the YNL are $1 per issue.
The last few remaining copies of the hardbound YNL Back-issues
exhausted. BACKORDERS are being taken (without deposits) and
when a sufficient volume exists to launch a reprint, you will
contacted and offered a "pre-publication price" to help
fund the basic
costs of reprint. The Yoder Newsletter Issues 1 Through 25 - bound
240-page volume includes a topical index of major articles, and
"every name index". Send your reserve order to The YNL,
594, Goshen, IN 46527. It may be a year or more until sufficient
orders are assembled to launch a reprint.
As we have now exceeded 6 disks worth of data, we are changing
to using a CD for the Yoder Information. This will allow the
expansion to include additional file types such as pictures and
images. The price for our "Yoder Data on Disk" will
still be $10
(postage included). A reminder--- Anyone with internet access
can get
the files AT NO CHARGE by file transfer from the Yoder Newsletter
Homepage (see the "ftp" directory at
. The
Annual Updates for 2002 HAVE BEEN POSTED to both the "ftp"
server and to the html pages on the web.
The December 2001 issue of the Journal of Economic Issues
(JEI) included a major article entitled "The Influence of
Theory of the Leisure Class on Rural Sociologist Fred Roy Yoder".
Dr. Fred Roy Yoder, most renown among the Yoder family as the
author of the genealogy of the North Carolina Yoders, had a long
significant academic career. Among sources credited, author Gerald
F. Vaughn thanks Fred Roy Yoder's daughter Elaine Yoder
Zakarison. For a copy of the article, inquire at: Association
Evolutionary Economics, Department of Economics, Coleman Hall
168, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837.
"Simone: A Saint for Outsiders," a 281 page biographical
novel by
James D. Yoder is now available. The book narrates the life and
thought of the French mystic, Simone Weil (1909-1943). As a
disenfranchised philosophy teacher, Simone becomes a factory worker
and labors for the dispossessed. Hunted by the Nazis, Christ comes
her, possessing her soul, transforming her into the "Saint
Outsiders." The book may be ordered online at,
888-795-4274 or at Contact the author at Phone: 1-620-327-4053.
Letters to the Editor
After reading the information on the Yoder family I personally
wanted to say THANK YOU! I came from the Loran and Vera Yoder
Family out of Wauseon,Ohio.There you will find many artifacts
of my
grandparents. My grandfather was Deputy sheriff of Fulton county
for many years. They both are now resting in Wauseon Memorial
Cem.My name is John Stewart Yoder son of Mr and Mrs John
Franklin Yoder Of Holland Ohio.There in Holland you will find
Yoder Mach and WPOS Christian Radio station founded by Lowell
Yoder also there you will find information and many of our families
history. At closing I would just like to say that one of the proudest
treasures I hold dearest to my heart is I 'm glad God made me
YODER!-- John Stewart Yoder, Daytona Beach,Florida
Dear Editor,
This is Dwight Yoder, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, a Yoder
Newsletter subscriber. In YNL#7 there a front page story about
Amish-Mennonite Cemetery, Stark County, Ohio. In the story there
is mention of a book in St. Joseph County, IN Yoders by Charles
Yoder. He was my grandfather. As a result, I am a direct
descendent of Captain Joseph Yoder and Barbara Yoder buried in
this cemetery.
While in Ohio a couple weeks ago, I followed the directions
from YNL#7, and easily found the cemetery. With the crops
harvested, it is easy to see it up on a rise about 200 yards west
of Paris
Avenue. The cemetery is maintained routinely but the headstones
deteriorating. Joseph Yoder's headstone is now unreadable.
While there I inquired as to who maintained the cemetery and
found the Miller family that lives on the southeast corner of
SR 153
and Paris Avenue. Mr. Miller is a cabinet maker. The Millers told
me that a friend had a complete listing of the persons buried
in the
cemetery. At my request, they have mailed me a copy of this list.
It is
actually a copied record of information on the headstones compiled
Since you are, to me, the "keeper of the flame" of Yoder
history; I would like to mail this on to you if you do not have
it. As
mentioned in the article, there are not a lot of Yoders in the
This listing was prepared about ten years before the Hilles survey
noted in YNL#7, it may have more information than could be read
the Hilles' in 1985.
The cemetery is officially under the care of the Beech
Mennonite Church located about five miles north of the cemetery
Paris Avenue. I hope to contact the church to provide financial
support for maintenance of the cemetery. In addition, the church
published a history I would like to obtain. If I do, I will advise
you of
any information of interest I discover.
Finally, I just remembered, my wife took pictures of the
cemetery and some of the headstones. When we get these developed,
we will get digital images along with prints. I will work to put
together a disk with pictures to send to you.
Thank you and all others who work with you for your efforts to
put together the Yoder Newsletter. Every issue is fascinating
to read.
I hope my information is of interest to you. -- Dwight Yoder Rancho
Palos Verdes, CA
(Cemetery Photo)
Barbara Yoder on the Left, Joseph Yoder on the Right, Dwight
in the middle (holding a hardbound Yoder Newsletter)
Dick Yoder Campaigns for Votes
The citizens of West Chester, Pa. Followed the call to "Be a Yoder Voter", and on Nov. 8, 2001, elected Richard B. (Dick) Yoder as mayor. Dick is a former Marine, retired West Chester University (WCU) administrator, coach and professor, and past President of the Oley Yoder Heritage Association. Dick Yoder (R) 1330 votes 55.70%, H. Paul Frederick (D) 897 votes 37.56% , Douglas McContha (Green) 159 votes 6.66% . You can still visit his campaign web site at: (Staff photo by Larry McDevitt, with permission of Daily Local News) ********************************************************************** Johns Hopkins Index to Selected Amish Genealogies Thanks to David Yoder of Evanston, Il who scanned files for our use, we now have available on our YODER WEB SITE a major index of Yoder records appearing within 118 individual Amish related genealogies. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has done much work studying Amish families. Many years ago, Dr. Harold E. Cross of the Medical School, Division of Medical Genetics, and Beulah Hostetler then of Willow Grove, Pa. published an "Index to Selected Amish Genealogies". Several years ago, we received permission to display the Yoder data from Johns Hopkins. We'd like to thank John's Hopkins University for its permission to display the Yoder portion of this very useful Index. Thanks to David Yoder of Evanston, Il for scanning the Index file for our use. And many thanks to our YNL "web wonder" Donald Kauffman for developing the web display. The YNL does not have the specific Genealogies at hand. To find them you'll need to check with one of the major libraries which contain significant Anabaptist genealogical data...Like the Mennonite Historical Library, Goshen College, or others. Visit this tool at: ************************************************************ YODER MENNOBIT INDEX AT HOMEPAGE!! The Yoder Homepage now contains a summary index for the Yoders contained within the MENNOBITS web site, orchestrated by our YNL Webster Don Kauffman (in his "spare" time). The YNL has added suspected Yoder ID Numbers wherever possible and invites updates by all readers. Just email us on any corrections! Thanks! ************************************************************ Ted Yoder Takes a Bride The YNL shares the joy of Jacqueline (Jackie) Bollinger Park and Ted Murray Yoder of Newton, North Carolina who were married Sunday, November 11, 2001 at New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church. For many years, Ted has been a true "spark-plug" for the Yoder Family in North Carolina. May God Bless you both! ************************************************************ BERNARD JODER UPDATES WEB SITE Bernard Joder, our German cousin warns he has updated his web pages and that people using an AOL browser may have difficulty seeing his pages. Explorer and Netscape 4x. works fine. Visit at -- "greetings from Bernd Joder" ************************************************************ OLEY YODERS STILL SEEK RECIPES The first edition of the Oley Yoder Cook book has sold out, but the committee is getting ready for a sequel. If you have a recipe that you would like to contribute, please send it in. If you have any old family recipes, handed down through the years, it would be especially nice to include them. Send them to Phyllis R. Yoder, 233 Main Street, Shoemakersville, PA 19555-1409 or e-mail at ---------- NC YODERS UPDATE PROJECT CONTINUES!! This multi-year project aims to bring the descendants of Conrad Yoder up to date and add lines from all over the nation. The help of all Conrad family members is needed to assemble current information. Noted historian Dr. Don Yoder has promised a major introduction to this revision on the history of the Yoder family. To help, contact: Bill Yoder, 2707 Zion Church Rd. Hickory, NC 28602 email: or Chris Yoder at 203 Lakeshire Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49015. email: -------------
Noted Yoder Historian Dr. Don Yoder is leading a
from May 14 to May 29, 2002.
Among the family names listed in the tour guide are Shuford, Foust,
Leinbach, Rudisel, Dellinger, Seitz,Barringer, Boger, Weidner,
Zimerman, Wissenandt, Wilfong and Hahn. For the Yoder cousins
whom he met at Yoder reunions in Pennsylvania and North Carolina,
he has included a very special visit to Steffisburg in the Canton
Bern, cradle of all American Yoder families (Reformed, Mennonites
or Amish), and a visit with German family researcher Ottmar Jotter.
Major cities to be explored included Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Stuttgart,
Vaihingen/Enz, Tuningen, Freiburg, Kaiserslautern, Bacharach,
Mainz, and in Switzerland Schaffhausen, Zurich, Bern, Thun, and
Basel. The tour is limited to 40 spaces and half of them are already
committed. For more details, contact Dr. Don Yoder Box 515, Devon,
PA 19333 phone 610-688-9185 or fax 610-989-0976.
(Photo of Farm)
After six years of toil the Amish Heritage Foundation of Sugarcreek,
Ohio held an open house in September, 2001,to celebrate the opening
of the John S. Yoder home's public debut. The restoration has
as authentic and historically correct as we could possibly make
it , to
give the visitors a true concept of an 1869 Amish home. The home
no electricity or plumbing and is situated on an acre of ground
Beachy's Country Chalet Restaurant. The home was moved from its
original site amid a 172 acre farm from which downtown Sugarcreek
was platted, circa 1872. the home will be open to the public from
to November, 2002 and will be staffed by Amish guides steeped
local Amish history. A nominal tour fee will be charged. We welcome
any and all visitors . Hours of operation uncertain, but could
checked in advance by calling BEACHY'S COUNTRY CHALET at
(330) 852 4644. ---Blaine F. Miller, Secretary /Treasurer
Kristina Joder of Landgrove, Vermont is a member of the U.S.
Women's Cross-Country team at the 2002 winter Olympics. She is
three-time World Junior team member and an NCAA All-American .
Joder majored in parks recreation and tourism-commercial
recreation at the University of Utah. She is the daughter of Urs
Carol Joder and is a former U.S. junior national champion in the
10km freestyle.
The will of Peter Weisner, of Oley, Philadelphia County.
Written/filed (?) November 24, 1738 (?). January 18, 1738 (?).
Document F.82. It shows his father as named Henry, mother Sybylla,
a sister Anne Marie and brother David. The Executor was Hennrick
Raiser, and witnesses included: Samuel Yodder, Just Yodder (his
mark) and Jacob Nauglee. (Yost (believed OY) and Samuel (believed
OY3- about whom little is known).
Peter's brother David was born c.1719 in the Palatinate,
Germany. He married Maria Catharina Weidner, daughter of Hans
Adam Weidner II and Anna Marie Haass in Berks Co, Pa. He died
1786 in Berks Co., Pa. Their parents were Henry Weiser who
married Sybilla ______ . He was born in the Bishopric of Worms,
IN MEMORIUM-Katie (Yoder) Lind, 87, much respected and
active historian died at her home at McMinnville, Oregon,
Aug.14, 2001.
Yoder Barn-Mast Photo
(photo printed with permission of Lois and Lemar Mast)
In their July 1992 Mennonite Family History article on Amish homesteads in Somerset County, Pa., the house above in Stony Creek Twp. and the adjacent barn were identified as being on the property of "Schweitzer Christian" Yoder (YR23). This information has been perpetuated by others and before it becomes made into concrete, we need to correct some things. The property is owned by Leon Knepper of Berlin, Pa, and before him by the Yonai family. The historic property records were given by Joan Yonai to Yoder descendant Tom Yoder of Coraopolis, Pa. Tom passed them on to the archives of the Mennonite Church at Goshen College, and provided copies to the Yoder newsletter several years ago. These records (summarized below and outlined in detail on the Yoder Homepage) relate to several parcels belonging to Bishop Christian Yoder Jr (1790-1846) and mention adjacent properties. The core of this land was initially warranted to Nathaniel Smith in 1785. The property lies east and slightly to the south of the original homestead warrants of "Schweitzer" Christian and of his son Bishop Christian Yoder Sr (1758-1836), see below:
(map here)
Caption : Somerset, Stony Creek Twp. Properties-#1- 1773 Jacob
warrant assumed by "Schweitzer Christian", #2- 1773
Christian" warrant, #3- Bishop Christian Yoder Sr. land warranted
1785, Nathaniel Smith warrant of 1785-which formed the basis for
Bishop Christian Yoder Jr. property.
Bishop Christian Yoder Jr. began to purchase land soon after turning 21 years of age, with a warrant record for an initial 52 acres in 1812, patent returned in 1816. He purchased an additional 176 acres in 1828. The property has been surveyed by the Somerset County Historical Society and the record reports that the house appears to have been built in two phases. "The western portion of the house measuring approximately 22' x 25' appears to be of log construction, while the eastern half is framed and sided." The survey mentions additional property transferred by conveyance in 1817. It goes on to indicate that the house was likely built "between 1812 and 1846", at which time the estate of Bishop Yoder "describes the 176 acre "home place" on which is erected two houses, a bank barn, and other buildings." (photo here) The photo above was taken around the turn of the century by Dr. Peter Yoder, a grandson of Bishop Christian by youngest son Reuben Yoder (1831-1912). Peter wrote on the back of the photo "the house where father was born".establishing that the house had been constructed before 1831. David C. Yoder was the oldest surviving son of Bishop Christian Jr, and the land came into his possession after the death of his parents. In 1869 he moved to Elkhart County, Indiana and lived there until his death in 1887 age 70. The Historical Society Survey indicates that the Ringler family held the property from that time until 1922. While there is a 1853 record showing a Ringler-Yoder dealing for 50 acres, the deed of sale for the bulk of the property appears in 1881. (map here)
A More Modern Plot Map with original tracts outlined Properties-
#1- 1773 Jacob Hertzler warrant, #2- 1773 "Schweitzer Christian"
warrant, #3- Bishop Christian Yoder Sr. warranted 1785, #4- 1785
Nathaniel Smith warrant (Yonai farm)
(photo here)
A Photograph of the Yoder barn taken 9-19-1936. The barn consists
of two separately hewn log structures linked with a post-and-beam-
framed center bay. It is one of five barns of this design identified
Somerset Co., several built as early as 1809. Historians believe
one was built about 1841.
The YNL will publish Yoder related inquiries or exchanges at no
charge. Please limit as possible to include a full return address.
inquiries are checked against our records to see if we can help
too. If
you receive added info, please share it with the YNL for our files.
Send Queries to: Chris Yoder, 203 Lakeshire Rd., Battle Creek,Mi
49015 or email at
Joseph Yoder. Looking for his ancestry. He was born in the 1820's
m. Annette Glase(Klase) 1841. Father of Alfred Charles Yoder,
GGF. Alfred had at least 2 brothers, Jeremia b.28 April 1861 and
Messiah b. 22 Oct 1863 all born in Berks Co, Pa. Reply to Wm.
Yoder, Jr. 380 High St., Souderton, Pa. 18964
I have been told that one of my Hechlers (Hecklers) was raised
by the
Yoder Amish. Do you have any record of Hechlers in your clan?
Time period would have been about early 1800's. This would have
been around what is now Markelton PA (Somerset County). If
that does not ring a bell, I can look up other place names from
time period...its near Brothers Valley and Upper Turkeyfoot....
Thank you, Melanie Heckler, <>
My ancestor, MARY YODER, was born 6/2/1803 of Catawissa,PA?
and died March 1896 in Wayne County, OH. She married JAMES C.
PANCOAST about 1825 in Catawissa,PA (possibly). I am descended
from their first born son, CASPER C. PANCOAST born 12/10/1826
and died 12/12/1884 in Wyandot County,OH. Can anyone confirm her
ancestry? Mrs. Sherry C. Young - 4605 Coachway Drive -
Rockville,MD 20852 email:
Looking for the family of SOPHIA YODER. She was born in the
1920s and died in Lodi, California in 1988. She was disabled and
under care the last five years of her life. Had lived in Arkansas
had a daughter there. Had a brother in Stockton, at one point.
spoke of a Donald Yoder"perhaps a son or husband. Anyone
knowing this lady contact: Mari McGregor
Can also write care of the editor of the Yoder Newsletter.
Looking for information on JESSE YODER, married to Agnes Fisher.
Had son Joseph Leroy Yoder B: 11/22/1906 D: 4/15/1996 in Ft.
Collins, Co. who m. Clara Sprague (1907-1995). Reply to: Jeane
Emler, 163 N. Hodgeman St., Laramie, Wyo 82072
Looking for the grave of Christian Egly who married Catherine
Stahly. Her daughter married a Yoder. He supposedly died in Miami
Co, Indiana. B. 3-24-1803 in Germany and died 7-3-79. He was a
weaver. Have checked into the Miami records, but to no avail.
Bridgeman, 1019 Redwood Dr. Loveland, Colorado 80538 (email
Who was Elizabeth Yoder (8/15/1823-1/23/1901 77y 5m 8d )
wife of Elias Ford (7/9/1880-6/7/1881) Both buried in
Jacob's Cemetery, Exmoor, Pine Grove Twp., Schuylkill Co.,
PA Reply to Chris Yoder at the Yoder Newsletter.
Looking for Burton Yoder in Reading,Pa. Bob & Deloris
Allen, 310 Walnut St, P.O. Box 134, Walnut,Ia 51577
two wonderful and detailed articles on the Yoders of Oregon see
Feb. 2002 newsletter of the Oregon Mennonite Historical and
Genealogical Society. Authors are James Grant Yoder and Joel E.
Daniels (see YNL35).
YODER HERITAGE VIDEO Almost 150 copies distributed!! Virgil Yoder's slide show and its inspiring story of our Yoder Heritage in Europe and the U.S. has been a centerpiece at national Yoder gatherings since 1994. Hold your own Yoder family reunion, large or small, anyplace around the world and make the video the cornerstone for your program. Get your own copy of this family treasure for $25 (post paid). Order from Virgil E. Yoder, 110 Northumberland Rd., Irwin, Pa. 15642. If you have any questions, write Virgil at: . |
(Photo here)
New TOYODER tailgate stickers for Toyota pickups. (but you
can use
them anywhere) Made of Professional vinyl sign material, and last
many years. Sticks to any CLEAN, non-porous surface like glass,
plastic or painted metal. Easy to cut off the "TO" and
have your very
own "YODER" sticker. Colors available: White, Black,
(Mirror), Gold (mirror), Blue, Red, Hot Pink, Yellow, Aqua (lite
Bluegreen). Overall size 3.67" x 27.2".CAN be removed
with some
serious effort. Installation instructions with each order. FREE
SHIPPING! Just send $9.95 (ea) to: Jim Bennett, 13913 Adams Road,
Granger, IN 46530 or Email
Thomas Rader Yoder (b3/10/1848) with daughters Daisy (b2/24/1878)
left, Minnie
(1/27/1873) center, Bertha (11/25/1870) right.-contrib by David
Packard, Jan.2002
We have made a small start and assembling Yoder photos in digital form, and have plans to gradually scan more of the images we have used and/or collected at the YNL over the years. Practical limitations on our web server will limit what we can display there, but the capabilities to assemble and include data on a CD ROM are significant. We'd like your help in beginning to build these pictorial files of families. If you have access to scan photos and then email them to me at the following address: . For now I'd like to limit things to pre-1920 Yoder family group photos, photos of individual Yoders who may have been born before 1860, or photos of pre-1830 Yoder homestead structures. Include with your photo a short paragraph of narration. Thanks to David Packard for the first contribution. (Thomas R. Yoder-Con236)- Chris Yoder ************************************************************ YODERS STAR AT READING CIVIC OPERA!
(Photo here)
THREE GENERATIONS OF THESPIANS Joseph Yoder, current President of the Oley Yoder Heritage Association, has been an active theater member for over 40 years. The Reading Civic Opera Society presentation this year is "Peter Pan", and Joe and son Adam appear as pirates. Grandson Adam, age 7, had the role of Michael. At the 2001 National Yoder reunion, Joe donned a Santa hat and read a Pennsylvania Dutch version of "T'was the Night Before Christmas". You can see Joe makes a very good Santa. At a recent Yoder meeting at the Pleasantville Inn, he was approached by a 4- year-old boy who wanted to know where his reindeer were. Joe explained that they were at home, and why he only used them on Christmas Eve. Joe had a red shirt on that day and when he went to drive home he put on a Santa hat (which he always wears at Christmas). The little boy said to his mother "See, I told you he was Santa".- contributed by Fay Yoder, Hamburg, Pa. ********************************************************************** YODERS IN WWII Anna Belle (Yoder) Emery found 2 soldiers with the Yoder surname who died in WWII at the American Battle Monuments Commission web site: . Walter J. Yoder, Private First Class, U.S. Army, 33315772, 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division Entered the Service from: Pennsylvania Died: June 29, 1943 Buried at: Plot E Row 1 Grave 5 North Africa American Cemetery, Carthage, Tunisia.(I thought this might be YB1399143, who died in 1943 per another source, "Andreas Crouthamel's Descendants", but I show his middle initial as B. His great grandfather, Aaron M. Yoder, YB1399 was also my great grandfather. ) Willis R. Yoder, Private First Class, U.S. Army, 35295552, 319th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division Entered the Service from: Ohio Died: February 16, 1945 Buried at: Plot F Row 15 Grave 31 Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, Henri-Chapelle, Belgium Awards: Purple Heart (Anyone recognize this fellow?) ************************************************************ ORDER THE YODERS OF NC BOOK The History of the Yoder Family in North Carolina by Dr. Fred Roy Yoder has been reprinted and is available once more!! Funds raised will be used to restore old Yoder gravestones and up-keep of cemeteries at Churches significant to the Yoder Family and the ancestors of the Author. Price is $25 (postage included). Send checks to : "Yoder Memorial Fund" at: Yoder Family in North Carolina, c/o: Bill Yoder, 2707 Zion Church Rd. Hickory, NC 28602 ************************************************************ 2001 Stewart Yoder Reunion near Manteno, IL. Stewart Yoder (M661) (b. 1859, d.1951) was the son of Calvin, son of Peter, son of immigrant Melchior Yoder. He and his wife Jennie started the first reunion which was held at their home in St. Anne, Illinois for many years until it subsided. Cleve and Stella Yoder picked up the tradition some years later and the reunion was held at their home in St. Anne and then in Mt. Aire, Indiana for many years, but it too subsided. Then Ray "Sonny" LeBell"grandson of Cleve and Stella, decided to start the reunion tradition again in 1981. This year marked the 20th reunion. It is always held the second weekend of August, usually on Sunday"rain or shine. For the last so many years it has been held at the Kankakee Sportsman's Club where Sonny is a member. Every year the reunion is brought to the attention of as many family members as we can find with a flyer reminding them of the upcoming reunion, and the directions to the Sportman's club are on the back. Every family is to bring a dish to share. At the first meeting and all meetings after a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chaplain were voted on. For many years it was the same people"now we are trying to get the younger generation involved. This year our Vice President and Treasurer are in their early twenties. The Chaplain has been one of the sons of Cleve Yoder since we started. Fred Yoder has been the Chaplain for many years and still is. The secretary keeps the record of happenings for the year. How many attended, who came the farthest, the youngest, the oldest, the youngest grandmother, etc. We try to note who we lost that year and always have a moment of silence for the lost loved ones. Attendance fluctuates"some large and many small. There are some years where we have someone new who has never been to one of our reunions" like this year"Bill Yoder attended for the first time, coming from Knoxville, Tn.. Bill, a descendant of Stewart's brother Harry, and his cousin Phil went to see an Uncle Emmet who was 95 years old and brought back some enlightening family history. Starting a reunion is not easy and keeping it going is the hardest part. The most enjoyable part of the reunion has to be the people you see and the lives that are touched for that one day"lives that are old and new, near and far. Many of these family members are only seen at the reunion or at funerals and seeing someone at a reunion is always the best choice. Watching children grow and sharing a families joy and sorrow are the comforts of getting older. --Joyce VanSetten (Bill Yoder notes: Emmet, 95, is the only child of Stewart and Jennie still living. 71 people attended. Stewart and Jenny(Wade) had 9 children; 7 boys, 2girls. His son, Mack, lived to be 100. The following officers for 2002 are: Pres. Jason Yoder, V. P. Heather Rossi, Sec. Joyce VanSetten, Treas.Corey Delby, Chap. Fred Yoder. During the bus. meeting, I shared with them some of the Yoder heritage and encouraged them to obtain a copy of Virgil Yoder's video-- Bill Yoder (M66221)) **********************************************************************
-Virginia Mae Yoders Boord , 74, (M264534) homemaker, of
Lockhart,Texas, Mrs. Boord was born on August 14, 1927 in
Cincinnati, Ohio, to Rev. Gay Andrew Yoders and Clara Brown
Denny Yoders.
-Pearl J. (Yoder) Rogers, 88, of Cleveland, Tn died Saturday,
Jan. 13,
2001, daughter of the late Cordilla Cooley Yoder and Samuel Yoder.
-James Barry "Jim" Yoder, 62, died Sunday, Sept. 16,
2001 of
Kennesaw, Ga. Son of J B James Barry Yoder Sr. and Rachell
-The Rev. James Franklin "Frank" Yoder, 82, of Athens,
Co., Tn March 20, 2000, a son of the late Samuel David and Melinda
Cordia Cooley Yoder. He was an active participant in the NC Yoder
-Audre J. Yoder Proctor, 87, Goshen, Ind Feb, 19, 2002. Audre
the daughter of to George and Hazel (Stiver) Yoder. She married
Thomas Proctor in St. Johnsburg, Vt., on Sept. 7, 1939. He is
deceased. Mrs. Proctor worked for American Heritage Publishing
Co. in New York City. Ms. Proctor was a longtime friend of the
In the 1988 article on her great-grandmother "Rosanna of
the Amish"
she wrote: "When Dad was about five years old he cut his
leg with an
ax. His grandmother (Rosanna) came to his house and "powwowed";
stopped the bleeding which was profuse. Needless to say, he was
great believer in this gift of healing, and he had a man in Goshen
he called to pow-wow for me when I had been hit in the eye and
with a golf club and it WORKED, so I'm a believer too."
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