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Orphans Court Dockets 4&5, pg 349-, Peter Yoder estate, 1839
Valuation of real estate, Peter Yoder
To the Honorable James M Porter Esq. president and his associate Judges of the orphans court in and for Schuylkill County now holding an Orphans Court for the same county
The Petition of David Stein who is intermarried with Sarah Yoder one of the daughters of Peter Yoder late of Upper Mahantongo township in the said County of Schuylkill decd in right of his wife ___ Humbly Sheweth ___ that the said Peter Yoder died Intestate on or about the month of November AD 1836 leaving a widow named Catharine and Issue Seven Children (to wit Sarah the wife of your Petitioner, Hannah, who is intermarried with John Wolfgang, Maria who is intermarried with Geo. Hartlein, Catharine who is Intermarried with Benjamin Neyschwender, Anthony, Solomon, Jeremiah who is since decd leaving issue Eleven Children (to wit Joseph, John, Charles, Peter, Jacob, Nathan, Catharine, Caroline, Elizabeth, Ame?, and Ely all of the children of Jeremiah are still in their Minority)) And that the said Intestate died seized in his demosne? as of fee of ?? in a certain tract or piece of Ground Situate in the said township of Mahantongo Bounded by Lands of Samuel Moyer and lands sold by the said Intestate to the said David Stein and to Benjamin Neyschwender and Containing Eleven acres and one hundred and twenty seven perches strict measure. Your Petitioner therefore Prays your honors to award an Inquest ot make Partition of the premises aforesaid to and among the children and representatives of the said Intestate agreeably to the Laws of this Commonwealth in Such Case made and provided.
David Stein
(goes on to have 12 people check to see if the land can be split among widow and all the families and guess what - they decide it can't!! Page 351 has a nice map of the property showing creeks)
on page 352, the administrators Anthony Yoder "eldest son of Peter Yoder" and George Hartlein, the executors accept the value of the property.
on pages 352-353, Anthony Yoder agrees to buy the property for the assessed value.