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January 1, 2002 ---
The Yoder Family in North Carolina, has taken on the responsibility to bring the family genealogy up to date. This 5- year project will bring the genealogy up to present day, and will add lines of the family omitted in the initial work. For it to succeed, Neal needs the help of all Conrad family members in sending the current information about their lines.
When the Yoder Book was originally published by Dr. Fred Yoder in 1970, it concentrated only on two of the sons of Conrad Yoder, John and David who remained in North Carolina. Descendants of daughter Catherine Yoder who married John Baker are not addressed. Neither are those of sons Daniel, Elias, and Jacob who moved to Indiana. Nor are the descendants of son Adam. Since the Yoder Newsletter was launched in 1983, we have played a major role in unearthing much of the "lost history" on these other Yoder lines. Recently, other folks have offerred additional information: Anita Nail and Richard H. Elliott of the Adam Yoder line; Lynne Blanscet of the Elias line; and Barbara Waller on the Daniel Yoder line.
Dr. Fred's children, who hold the copyright to the work, are sponsoring this effort, and Bill Yoder, immediate past President of the NC Yoders, is overseeing it. The Yoder Newsletter is working in conjunction with Bill Yoder and Neal Wilfong of the "Yoders of North Carolina" to assemble data for the update. If you have information you wish to share, please send it to:
Chris Yoder
203 Lakeshire Rd
Battle Creek, MI 49015
or by email at:
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